Family Photos: Baker is (almost) 2!
Since Baker will be two the beginning of next month (how is this even possible???), we were due for updated family pictures. The last professional ones we had of her were her one year old pictures and we haven’t had family pictures done since her first Christmas.
We used our trusty, go-to photographer, Chase Todd. He’s done all of Baker’s photos, and he absolutely blew these out of the water. He does some of the best work in our area and is so patient with our very dramatic, temperamental two year old. If you live in Upstate SC, I highly recommend using Chase for all of your photography needs.
I had dreams of these being beach photos but Cory wasn’t able to travel with us to the beach this year so I settled for my 2nd favorite place, Clemson.
When did our baby grow up? She looks like she could be four years old here.
This precious smile. I could look at this photo all day long.
Baker was in a good mood for all of about 15 minutes of this shoot to as always, Chase delivered pictures that you wouldn’t even know it!
Behind the baseball stadium, there are these gorgeous weeping willows that make these pictures even more dreamy.
Oh, be still my heart. I hope she always wants Ron take walks with her daddy.
Pretty much the only way we could keep Baker content was looking for “ducks” in the pond.
Baker loves rocking chairs. Like really loves to rock so I figured I would bring this chair as a cute prop. Except when it was time to sit for pictures, she wanted to explore. She pitched a tee total fit and refused to sit (remember the patience I talked about Chase having?). After waiting her out, we finally bribed her to sit with some Bubble Guppies. Obviously, you don’t really want pictures of your child sitting on a cell phone but her little legs crossed just tickled me.
Luckily, we just so happened to have a book in the car and Chase got these precious shots of her “reading”.
We moved to the rowing docks in Clemson to get a few pictures with the water.
It’s a great big world, little one, and we want to share it all with you.
I think you can tell who really has the most fun in this relationship. 🤣
Baker was in such a bad mood at this point, so we didn’t push her. But I love these candid shots of her.
TRose little crossed fingers. 😍
She is so inquisitive. She is definitely our little explorer and loves to look and ask about everything!
All of our outfits came from Old Navy. I use Wikibuy to make sure that I don’t miss any coupons from my favorite stores.
I adore these photos and when Chase sent me the link, I was shocked he got so many good ones (she was being really, really awful). I love that they aren’t staged. They are just us, showing our girl some of the most beautiful spots of our college campus. Which is what we would’ve been doing if we were just walking around without a photographer. I can’t believe how fast this year went and how much Baker has changed but I’m so, so thankful for these wonderful photographs of our little family. Looking through them over and over the past few days, I realize just how incredibly blessed I am to share my life with Baker and Cory.

Rebecca Jo
I am so OBSESSED with your pictures. They are PERFECTION!!!!!!!
Look at how beautiful & PRECIOUS your girl is – she looks SO GROWN!!!!!! I love the pics in her rocking chair too – those long legs!
& look at you two – HOT MOMMA & DADDY!!!!! you both look so healthy & you look STUNNING my friend!!!
Courtney Spena
She is an absolute DOLL!! I can not believe she is almost two!!
These are beautiful! Your precious girl looks so grown up, and those little legs crossed is too cute! Can’t believe she is fixing to turn 2.