Easter Weekend 2018
We kicked our Spring Break off over Easter weekend and had the best time celebrating our Risen King with Baker Bea! Even though this season is about so much more than egg hunts and Easter baskets, Baker is obviously too young to understand. Last year she was too young to participate in these type activities so we took full advantage of the fun age she is at now. On Saturday morning, we headed to a local Easter egg hunt.
The Easter egg hunt featured Mickey and Minnie. Baker is obsessed with Minnie right now so I thought that she would love seeing her. And she did like seeing her.
She just didn’t like being close to her.
We missed Baker’s age division for the egg hunt but they let her go with the 3 year-olds. It was pretty packed, so we let her pick up a few eggs and then moved on to see what else they had going on.
She spotted Mickey from a distance!
She loved talking and waving to Mickey but this was the absolute closest she’d get. And you can forget about the Easter bunny.
We found a little petting zoo they had set up. Baker was a little timid and didn’t want to pet many of the animals but loved looking at them.
She did pet the biggest bunny I’ve ever seen until it moved and scared her. 😂
However, she loved the little pig. He was taking a break in his kennel so Baker found her own way to see him.
Baker could have done without the Easter egg hunt, though she enjoyed picking a few eggs up, but what she really enjoyed was just running around in the open, flat grass. She doesn’t have much flat yard at our house and would have stayed for hours just “running”, if we had let her.
She actually pitched a teetotal fit when we made her leave. Liiike screaming all the way to the car kinda fit, but it was nap time, obviously, and Mama’s allergies were killing me!
After a nap, we had our own little Easter egg hunt in the back yard!
I wish I loved anything as much as Baker loved these Easter eggs.
She is so my child to get distracted by the flowers.
I posted this picture on my personal Facebook and it still cracks me up. I just wanted one picture of her cute outfit and my face tells it all. Complete defeat! Ha!
So I gave up and we went back to “hunting” Easter eggs.
Those bunny ears, y’all. She loved them!
This bottom picture…I can’t even handle it.
The face of total exhaustion from a full day hunting Easter eggs and playing outside.
Sunday after church, because Daddy has to go to church early, the Easter bunny visited us!
We had a Minnie-themed Easter basket this year and it was full of stuff to keep us busy over Spring break!
After church, we headed to my aunt’s house for Easter lunch. You guys, this photo. All the 😍😍😍. That is pure joy.
We had another Easter egg hunt with Baker’s cousins. It’s been years since we’ve had full-blown family Easter egg hunts, like the whole family outside watching. And it was so fun! Kids just make every holiday so much more enjoyable.
My aunt brought this chair out for photos and Baker just took right to it! She has a similar rocking chair at Cory’s grandmother’s and loves it.
She immediately started trying to “rock, rock”.
Of course we had a few meltdowns while trying to get photos.
But between the seven cameras snapping continuously, we somehow got this sweet photo of all the greatgrands.
And then Linc escaped…
We attempted to get a picture of Linc and Baker like last year but it was a tad bit more difficult this year…
Baker loves her cousin Jordan after he went with us to Rwanda the past year.
The things mamas do to get a good picture!
Baker fell asleep on the way home from Easter lunch. At first, she wasn’t feeling more pictures (is she ever though??).
How sweet is this picture? He loves his girls so well.
But as soon as she realized she could walk around outside, she was all for it!
So we changed our clothes and spent the rest of the evening outside playing with the chalk and bubbles that she got in her Easter basket.
We had such a great weekend celebrating Easter with our Baker girl! It was so much fun getting to see her excitement towards new things like the egg hunt and animals at the petting zoo. Literally everything is new to our baby toddler girl, and it makes the things that we normally wouldn’t think twice about, like a flower in the back yard or a micro pig at a petting zoo, so exciting for all three of us as we see it with fresh eyes and get to see her light up and process all the new things. Life is much more exciting with our little B and her zeal and zest for nearly everything she sees!

One Comment
Rebecca Jo
I am loving both of her Easter outfits.
She has such a personality, doesnt she? SO DANG CUTE!
I wonder what kids think too when they see these big creatures that obviously arent human, moving & walking towards them :) haha