Hey y’all, I Made Pillow Covers!
Hey y’all! I made pillow covers and it’s about time.
You see, Christmas before last I got a sewing machine from Cory’s grandmother and I had high hopes of pulling it out of the box and sewing all kinds of things I found on Pinterest. I’ve seen people sew before and it didn’t look like too daunting of a task. Turns out, it was a little more complicated than I originally thought. With the help of my mom, I used it one more time last May and by help I mean she used the sewing machine and I sat there and watched.
After getting volunteered to sew the curtains at church, I was determined to learn how to use my machine. So, I pulled it out of the box, read the directions to learn how to set it up and started practicing sewing a straight line. After feeling somewhat confident in myself, I decided to try out my hand on some pillow covers for the pillows I bought at Ikea a few months ago. And I must say, I’m pretty freakin shocked excited with the results.
By the way, I didn’t make the hey y’all pillow. You didn’t think I was that good, did you??? It came from Hobby Lobby.
Since I’ve used my sewing machine all of three times now, I won’t pretend to know what I’m doing enough to make this a tutorial but the one I used from A Curiously Chic Life was great and very simple to follow. Seriously, if I can do it, you can too!
*please excuse my NEW YEARS printable. I’m only five months behind.
I’ve still got one more pillow to cover and plenty of fabric so I’m thinking I will do another chevron one. Now that I’ve got the envelope case mastered {ahem}, my possibilities are endless and I think both the bedrooms will get new pillows too!
I’m sharing my new DIY pillow covers with Jenni and friends over Tuesday Tea and Mandy @ House of Rose.

Rachel G
How fun!! Pillow covers were the very first thing I sewed after I got my sewing machine, too. I figured they ought to be simple enough. :) I love the fabrics you chose!
Paige Sloan
Thank you! I was surprised at how easy these were and now I want to make them for every room in our house!
I love these!! What cute fabric choices! Very impressed :) I got a sewing machine for my birthday and pillow covers are next on my list!!
Paige Sloan
Thank you, dear! Don’t wait a year and 1/2 like I did because they’re so simple! The most difficult part was learning to work the machine. Hope you’ll share when you get them done :)
Maggie@ Polka dots in the Country
I agree with you, the thought of sewing something scares me but you did a great job on those pillows!
Paige Sloan
Thanks, lovely! Once I figured my machine out and how to thread it, it really wasn’t very bad! I hate I waited so long though.
This might be the most inspiring DIY ever! We have a bunch of pillows that came with our couch and I HATE the design on them and for months have been saying I’m going to cover them, but always thought it seemed like too much work. I might have to make them my summer project! Your pillows look great!
Paige Sloan
Oh my gosh! Your sweet comment made my day! Ours were the same way! They were two sided and one side matches our couch but the other is awful so I’ve tried to keep them turned one way. I looked forever for pillows I loved and could never find any and the ones on Etsy are really expensive! I found the pillows for cheap at IKEA and spent maybe $20 on all the fabric. It was so easy and much cheaper than just buying them! You should totally go for it and share them when you get done!
Biana Perez
ok so when are you going to be selling them on etsy!! I’m obsessed with the fabric that you chose – great job!!
Paige Sloan
Thanks, love! I might just have to start selling them but I think I need a little more practice!
damn girl, you fancy! love it.
Paige Sloan
Thanks, sweets!
mississippi Mrs.
These are so fun! I want a sewing machine to learn to sew things with! Ah! jealous!
Paige Sloan
Walmart actually has one for fairly cheap. I think it’s less than $100! And if I can do it, anyone one can!
Rachel Cox
Paige Sloan
Haha! Too funny! I passed the hey y’all pillow up one time and regretted it so when I went back to HL and they still had it, I knew I had to get it! Thanks for pinning!
Mia @ makemeupmia
These look great, love them! Good job!
Paige Sloan
Thank you! I just love how they turned out.
Jessi Otey
eeee Paige!! These are so great (I’m a little pillow obsessed haha)
Paige Sloan
Me too!!! Now I wanna make more pillows than I have room for!
Katie Elizabeth
These are adorable!! Looove the “hey y’all” pillow! So great! And I second the Etsy shop idea :)
Paige Sloan
Thanks, love! The hey y’all one was a must when I saw HL still had it! Maybe I should get something rolling with a shop!
Rebecca Jo
OK – you’re making me want to learn. I got a sewing machine for Christmas… FOUR YEARS AGO!!!! & still haven’t used it!!!
Paige Sloan
Glad I’m not the only one who has done this!!! I hate I waited a year because once I got the hang of it, it really wasn’t that bad
Julie Joy
Awwww! I love them! they look great!
Paige Sloan
Thanks, sweets!