Confessions part 3
It’s been a minute since I’ve blogged about anything besides my growing belly so I thought I would try to bounce back with a good ‘ole confessions roundup. I’ve had some of these written down for a while now so if they sound like I wasn’t pregnant when I typed them, I probably wasn’t.
Here we go! I confess…
I walk through the house singing “every light in the house is on” at least once a week because there’s a certain human being with whom I cohabitate that can’t turn a light off to save his life. I get this honestly from my Dad, though. When I was younger, my siblings and I were bad about leaving the lights on behind ourselves and he would go through the house turning off lights and saying something like, “power’s not free.” I never understood it until I had a power bill of my own.
I’m not a fan of thrift stores. It’s not that I don’t like getting a steal, it’s the digging through stuff, new or used, that I don’t like. My husband, on the other hand, didn’t own one single piece of clothing that wasn’t from a thrift store when we first met.
I am definitely a creature of habit. I very rarely try new dishes at a restaurant and I like to fall asleep to the same album every. single. night. Trying new things is scary, you know!
One of my biggest fears in life is riding beside semi trucks. I mean, can they really see me?
When I run out of deodorant, I’ll just wear Cory’s until I can remember to get another stick, which has been up to a week before. Speaking of which, I need to get more deodorant.
I did not know this. –Cory
If I had a ton of money to waste, I would waste it on a Slush Puppie machine.
This is how Slush Puppies make me feel, by the way.
Before I got pregnant and could eat eggs, I googled how to cook eggs in the microwave one time because I didn’t want to wash the frying pan.
I was talking to a student the other day and was trying to say “After I started” but it came out “After I farted”.
I don’t get why some people address their mom as mother. “Mother, I can’t talk right now.” It just always sounds so hateful.
My mom never takes her rings off {I’m actually not even sure if she can} but I can’t sleep in any jewelry. My fingers swell when I sleep and the feeling of not being able to get my rings off sends me into panic mode and I’m about 100% certain I will lose the end of my ring finger.
While on our babymoon, Cory took a picture of me at dinner one night. Later, he confessed that he took the picture because my boobs looked so good in the dress I was wearing. Being 7 months pregnant, I was all like “aww…so sweet!” Until he finished the sentence with “You know, because they’ll never look like that again.”
In his defense, he said that he meant they would probably return to their smaller, pre-pregnancy size after the baby is born, but we all know the truth.
And last, but certainly not least, I confess that I am ready to have this baby! This pregnancy hasn’t been the easiest and I’m so anxious to meet our sweet girl! Let the single digit weekly countdown begin (EEK!) and I’ll be back tomorrow with my 30-week bumpdate!
This post is linked with Life with Lola and Life by Nadine Lynn

Rebecca Jo
haha on the boob pic. Men.
I’m the opposite – I’m the one who leaves all the lights on & turn all the TV’s on in every room & leave them on. Ricky gets so aggravated.
I haven’t had my wedding ring off in probably 10 years. Seriously. I feel panicked if I dont have it on.
This was a fun post
hahahahaha i am the same as cory with the lights. oops ;) i love thrift stores like my life depends on it.. but i hate digging through dirty dusty clothes. i can only go every few months because i have to go straight home and shower – i’m not being a diva, my hands and eyes get super itchy, i don’t know if its the dust or what, but i can’t casually swing by a thrift store on the way somewhere or whatever. and i’m sure he didn’t mean the boob thing in a mean way. not gonna lie, i’m excited for my boobs to get bigger hahaha because i’ve never had big boobs. i am a creature of habit as well. sometimes i like trying new things, but only when i’m at a new restaurant, if that makes sense. like i will be daring at a new restaurant that has the exact same things as another restaurant i go to all the time, but at that restaurant, i get the same thing. it’s weird.
My husband isn’t the best at remembering to turn the bathroom and bedroom lights off when he is done. Drives me batty! And I laughed at the boob picture because guys just dont think before they speak sometimes haha.
Ericka @ AQuiet Girl's Musings...
Girl, I’m right there with you about being a CREATURE of habit with foods. My husband and I will go out to eat sometimes and he’ll say, “I think I’m going to try such-n-such.” That thought terrifies me because I like to stay with foods that I know I will like. Fun post. Have a good one!
loved all the confessions, but the boob one cracked me up!!
I’ve worn Jordan’s deodorant before. No shame!
Paige Gunter
Oh my gosh! The picture story has me cracking up. Husbands are so crazy. Justin does stuff like that all the time.?
On the light thing- my dad worked with someone when I was a kid who charged his kids $1 every time he found a light on in a room they weren’t in. My dad always threatened it, but he didn’t actually do it. Sometimes I’ll leave a light on in a room because I am going back and forth and Justin will keep going behind me turning it off. It drives me crazy. The funny part is he doesn’t do it on purpose. He claims he just doesn’t know I’m going back in there.
Change is hard for me too. I have to know about it in advance (& have been consulted with about it first, & have approved it personally, &…). ;)
I never take my rings off, but I have one ring that falls off while I’m sleeping nearly every night. Angel always finds it when he makes the bed.
I don’t order new or ‘risky’ things at restaurants because I always think it’ll be too much of a waste of money if I end up not liking it. Always go for the safe option…
Julie Joy
Bahahahahha! I love these confessions and the gif’s! Too funny! Michael’s has made similar comments about my boobs while pregnant as well. Silly men. Sometimes I don’t want to cook something because I don’t want to wash the dishes either…