Christmas Home Tour 2015
It’s finally FRI-YAY, y’all! I can’t express just how excited I am. Not only is it Friday but this girl is officially on Christmas break! Aw…how I’m going to enjoy the next 10 days work free! #hallelujer
If I’m being honest, a Christmas home tour almost did happen. My motivation to get my house decorated this year was non-existent. If you know me at all, you know how incredibly strange it is that my house wasn’t decked out the weekend before Thanksgiving. As I was snapping these pictures on Wednesday night, Cory was finishing the final touches of our decorations.
But it’s finished and I’m typing this post in the comfort of my bed this morning!
Leading up to the actual decorating part, I was so excited to see our “new home” all fancy for Christmas.
Hampton is literally sticking his tongue out at me. Love it!
After pulling all of my decorations out, I realized I didn’t like a lot of the stuff I had anymore but who can afford all-new stuff? {“Not me” is the answer to that!} Thanks to spray paint and a little glitter, these trees were given a new look!
As always, I can’t forget my Clemson tree. Especially since the Tigers are #1 this year!
By the end of the year last year, our Christmas tree had no working lights. So I finally pulled the trigger on a new tree this year. Of all places, I found one I liked at K-Mart
And I finally was able to move my tree back to the front windows! I love pulling up at night and being able to see our tree from the street!
It’s the small things, y’all.
Joy and Hope. That’s what it’s really all about. We decorate our homes and by gifts but what I really want to celebrate this season is the hope we have in our Savior and the precious, precious joy that brings!
I kept things simple this year and many things went back in the box {partly because of Crazy Charley and the fear of glass being broken every day} but I do love all the pops of red in our living room.
This is the first year that I’ve ever stepped back from my china cabinet and actually liked it. I’m thrilled with the decision we made to paint it white!
This angel music box is extra special {and needed the most protection from Charley} because my Dad purchased it for me as a wedding gift. He picked it out specifically for me and I will treasure it always.
One of the few new purchases I made this year was my table runner and it came from Home Goods!
Since our kitchen is still not finished {darn you, crown molding!} it gave me the perfect excuse to not really decorate the kitchen. In years past, I would have had every cabinet decorated with something. Simple is really starting to grow on me, though.
Can I just say how much I still love my faucet and this view? How blessed am I to get such a beautiful home?!
I hope you enjoyed a few glimpses into our Christmas home! Now that it’s done, I know I will want to leave all the festive decorations up until about February. I mean, we work so hard on them to just leave them up a few weeks {or days in my case}.
Also, I have to give credit to Cory because without him, we wouldn’t have half the decorations up and he even helped me take pictures. #husbandoftheyear
I hope y’all have a great Friday and wonderful weekend! We are heading to Austin tomorrow to spend a few days with Cory’s brother and I’ve got lots to accomplish today.
Check back next week for my Christmas card and our outdoor decorations {they’re really my favorite!}
Wanna see my past Christmas homes?
Since Christmas is my favorite, I’m linking up with all kinds of fun ladies today {april, karli, amanda, tif, andrea} and you should too!

Sam @ Away She Went
So cute and festive! My Christmas tree is from K-Mart too. They actually have really nice Christmas stuff! Your post reminded me that I still haven’t shared my Christmas decorations yet! I better get that together for Monday!
Rebecca Jo
Your house just looks so beautiful… & even better for Christmas now :)
I took pictures of my house & just havent uploaded them yet. I guess I’m on a deadline of a week to get it posted :) haha
Brittany @ PerpetuallyDaydreaming
LOVE it!! Your tree looks great and so does your hutch!! Happy holidays, lady! xo
Paige Gunter
Love your Christmas decor!!! It looks like a Pottery Barn scene. My friend Meredith would steal all of your penguins. Personally, I think that angel is my favorite! Can’t wait to see your outdoor lights.
Katie Elizabeth
Your house looks amazing and your kitchen came together so well!! Totally worth all of that hard work! Yayyy for 10 days off of work – enjoy! :)
Julie Joy
Absolutely gorgeous!!! The china cabinet looks great white!!