Christmas Day 2017
I just thought that Christmas Eve was a busy day for us, but little did I know the long (but wonderful) day that Christmas Day would be! Daddy had worked so hard on customizing Baker’s kitchen and we couldn’t wait for her to see it! Just a warning, these are mostly blurry iPhone pictures that represent our Christmas perfectly. Cory films our holidays and makes us home videos so I never stress over trying to get the perfect picture during times like these.
Just like last year, we invited my parents over on Christmas morning so they could be there to see Baker open her gifts. And with Cory’s Mom spending the night, we had a full house on Christmas morning. Baker loved the focus being all on her!
Baker was definitely overwhelmed on Christmas morning. I thought this year she might tear in to all her gifts but we really had to encourage her to keep opening gifts. She could have done with about half of what she had (note to self!). After every gift, she wanted to play with what she had just opened rather than move on to the next gift, which I feel is normal for 18 months old.
She caught on fast to the idea of ripping the paper, though.
She immediately took to her kitchen set and shopping cart, which we thought she might. We joked that she had her Publix bag since my dad works for Publix.
Both my brothers stayed at my parents’ house on Christmas Eve, so they got to be there Christmas morning, too.
As soon as we were done opening gifts, she went straight to playing with her new toys!
We had one happy girl!
But goodness, can she give the stank eye.
I had someone ask me if we still had our dogs because they don’t see them much anymore. Of course we do! They just aren’t front and center anymore but I assure you, they are still rotten. And most of the time, one or two of them are always hovering around Baker.
All this time and money spent on Christmas and one of Baker’s most favorite objects was this nesting penguin decoration that I’ve had for years. It has smaller penguins inside that you can take apart and put back together like the Russian nesting dolls, and Baker carried this thing around ALL season long. Even after getting all these new toys, she carried the penguin around for the rest of the day.
Normally, we have somewhere to be for lunch on Christmas Day but this year, it worked out that we had the whole afternoon at home. It was so nice to have time to relax, nap, and let Baker enjoy her gifts.
For dinner that night, we headed to my Mom and Dad’s for Christmas with my family.
Sweet cousins…
Check out Baker in the background, failing miserably to get off the floor with that cookie in her hand.
My family, guys…
That belly can’t be contained.
Every gift that Baker got, she loved! Thank goodness, she is easy to please. She got so many wonderful gifts so we definitely put some of these gifts up to rotate out every few months.
After we left my parents’, Cory’s family met us at our house so they could see Baker open her gifts from them!
We really thought she would be over all the Christmas-ing by this point but she was a trooper and loved what Pop and Gigi got for her!