Christmas and New Year’s 2015
Hello, strangers! Yes, I’m still alive! As I was typing this post up last night, Cory asked if I was writing a blog post and when I responded yes he said “You still do that? I thought you quit blogging.” Ha!
I didn’t intend to take such a long break but I have sooo enjoyed it. Sometimes you just need time away from something {and lots of lazy days in sweatpants} to really miss it, right? I wasn’t even going to recap the rest of my Christmas break because like the worst blogger ever, I barely took any pictures. Normally, I’ve got hundreds of pictures to sift through from Christmas but I ended up getting really sick and didn’t even get my real camera out on Christmas morning.
Heck, I actually slept through Christmas morning. But I don’t want to forget this Christmas, sickness and all, so here a few pictures from the rest of my Christmas break!
We spent a lot of time just like this, ya’ll.
Before we headed out to Austin, we did Christmas with Cory’s mom’s side of the family.
Christmas Eve
On Christmas eve, we headed to Cory’s grandmother’s for Christmas with his dad’s side of the family.
And by this point, I was pretty miserable. My eyes wouldn’t stop running and I had some awful sinus junk. Afterwards, we headed to my parents’ house where we help them play Santa every year so I had to suck it up and get to wrapping.
Christmas Day
The only picture I got on Christmas morning. Gracie had picked out toys for all the dogs and even wrapped them herself. She has such a kind heart!
You guys, I woke up and got to see Gracie’s face when she saw what Santa had delivered and then crashed again until after breakfast and then for lunch, we headed to my aunt’s house.
Later that evening, my sister and her family came to my parents’ house for us to exchange gifts and Carson was very curious about what he got!
I crashed hard again that night and then proceeded to not get out of my pj’s for the rest of the weekend!
New Year’s Eve
In the past, I’ve done really festive New Year’s parties but I still wasn’t feeling good {and had been in my sweat pants for three days straight} so we kept it really low key. Half of our normal New Year’s buddies were out of town so we had Allen, Tammie and Amber over for dinner and to watch Clemson in the Orange bowl.
My real camera was nowhere to be found so I pulled out my selfie stick from Rwanda.
Jessica and I have spent every New Year’s Eve together for as long as I can remember but they were at the beach this year so we had to Facetime instead.
Einstein has managed to photobomb pictures from our last couple of New Year’s and we couldn’t let his tradition stop now! The last couple of years…
And we ended our break just like we started it…lots of naps and puppy snuggles.
Speaking of puppy snuggles…this past weekend marked one full year with our girl. Charley has made so many improvements this past year. It hasn’t always been pretty but our lives would be so much less…eventful without her!
Thanks for welcoming me back and I can’t wait to share a few things I’ve been working on plus I promise to finish recapping our trip to Rwanda!
Happy week, y’all!

Rebecca Jo
Bless your heart… I had that sinus stuff & its a BOOGER!!! You still look beautiful for the holidays even if you didnt feel well.
Katie Elizabeth
I hate that you weren’t feeling good, but looks like it was an otherwise great holiday season! Nothing Beats a low key, relaxing NYE anyway! Hope you’re feeling better :)
Julie Joy
Sometimes you just have to take a break and regroup! Nothing wrong with that! ;) I’m sorry to hear you weren’t feeling well! Remi and I were sick too! It definitely makes for a not so enjoyable Christmas. Booo! I love that striped dress your wearing! Super cute! How’s Gracie doing by the way? I remember she had some health issues a while back but I don’t recall reading any updates since then. Pardon my being nosey! :) Anyways, it looks like a very relaxing Christmas and NY break!
Tif @ Bright on a Budget
I hope that you’re feeling better now!!! It looks like you still managed to have a little fun.
I’m sorry you were sick this Christmas! Everyone I know seemed to have had a touch of something. Your pictures could have fooled me though. You look perfectly happy to me. I’m so glad you are feeling better now and thank you for sharing Christmas pictures!
Biana @ Blovedboston
I’m so sorry to hear how sick you were for the holidays but you were a true champ!! xo, Biana