Christmas 2014 pt. 2
In case you missed part 1 of my Christmas 2014 recap, you can see it here.
Okay…when I left yesterday, we had just finished opening presents at my parents’ house on Christmas morning. Mom popped in some cinnamon rolls for breakfast and then Cory and I headed home to shower and drop off the dogs before heading back to my parents’ for lunch with my dad’s side of the family.
The girls got marshmallow shooters and Gracie spent at least an hour shooting everyone in the face. Stale marshmallows hurt, y’all. And apparently these things shoot Skittles as well, which could really take someone’s eye out!
After a nap, Cory and I decided to head to Greenville to look at Christmas lights. I was hoping the whole family would want to go but Mom wasn’t feeling good, my dad wanted to go run {yeah, he’s that guy!} and Gracie wanted to stay home because I think she thought she’d have to walk like we did last year in McAdenville.
The first place we went to was called Greenville Griswolds and it was a light show set to music. I’ve never seen one in person so it was pretty cool, but the line to see it was forever long.
No, no you didn’t try!
The next stop was TNT Lights in Mauldin and this was much more my style!
One day, we’d like our yard to look like this!
My little brothers.
I didn’t realize how creepy this picture was.
Words can’t express how much fun Cory and I had with John and Jordan. It’s so great to see God change their lives as they are becoming young men and after years, we can finally stand to be around them for more than five minutes :)
I kid, I kid. Maybe.
On Saturday night, Cory and I continued our tradition of spending the night with my Papa and Barbara to watch It’s a Wonderful LifeĀ and we had our Christmas with them Sunday after church.
We were down a few family members because of sickness {like my Mom–which explains why my dad is using a knife to try to put batteries in Gracie’s toy} but we had a great time ending our Christmas festivities!
I’m still in disbelief that my Christmas break is actually over and I’m back to work. When you have such a great week with family, you can’t help but want more!
How did y’all spend your Christmas??

Biana @ Blovedboston
Those christmas lights are so impressive – totally worth a drive!! You have so many wonderful traditions with your family – it’s so fun!! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston
OMG I LOVE LIGHTS!!! i’m serious. i would also love a marshmallow shooter, hehe
Mia @ MakeMeUpMia
Holy cow, those lights!! How pretty :) Glad you had a great Christmas!
Rebecca Jo
Love all the pretty lights!
We got our grandsons those marshmellow guns… I’m going to make sure they wait to open them when they get home :)
Katie Elizabeth
I’m getting all caught up on your Christmas recap – sounds like it was a wonderful weekend! Those lights are SO amazing, love the Christmas Story lamp! Our neighbors had one of those in their window this year :) Hope you’re feeling better!!
Julie Joy
I am a huge fan of Christmas light tours! And the ones with the lights to the music is amazing! This year unfortunately we didn’t go see any. :( Boo hoo!
Paige Gunter
Those lights are AMAZING! I have never seen a leg lamp blowup. That is adorable. I loved seeing your Christmas pictures. Thanks for sharing, Paige!