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    Still weekending…

    A couple weeks ago, Cory switched his day off from Friday to Monday so we would have an extra day to spend together so we are still weekending it up! I briefly considered spending the day getting caught up on the blog because I’m so far behind with about five post waiting to be finished in my draft box. Honestly, I haven’t had a desire to post as much lately because we’ve been so busy and having a free weekend has been nice. It’s not enjoyable {for me or you} if I have to force a post and I’m determined to not miss living my life because I’m busy documenting…

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    Kristen’s Gamecock Wedding

    I’ve wanted to get the pictures up from Kristen’s gamecock wedding for days weeks now but life has been so full. Mandy @ House of Rose wrote a post about summer being a blur but rather than saying life was so busy, she said she was going to focus on saying her “life was full”. Over the past couple weeks, I’ve tried to do the same thing and be thankful mine and Cory’s summer has been filled with so much goodness rather than stressing about being too busy. The only downside to not stressing about being busy is it takes me almost four weeks to recap my bestie’s wedding. #bestiefail AND #bloggerfail *I took some…

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    Y’all….what. a. weekend. I’ve got so much to share with you guys but Cory and I decided to take an extra day on vacation so it was late last night before we got home. After our long weekend, I’m full of all kinds of emotions and honestly just didn’t have the energy to work on the next part of Our Love Story: Bridal Portraits. But it will be up soon…later tonight or first thing tomorrow morning and I do hope you’ll check back! Also, you are in for a whirlwind Memorial Day weekend update and it’s definitely one for the books!

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    Tuesday Tea: Reading My Bible Daily

    I don’t know about everyone else but the Sloans, we stay busy. March, especially, has been nonstop. Hence the neglect on this little bloggy of mine. I promise I’ve got some good post planned if I ever get some free time to finish them up. You know what else that suffers when I get busy? Reading my Bible on a daily basis. And I’m sure this is a problem we all face. Why is it something so important is the first thing to go on the back burner? If you’ve followed along since the new year, you may remember that one of my goals for the year was to read my…