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Thankful Thursday

  • Thankful Thursday

    The Time We Had a Bird Loose in Our House

    Yeah, that really happened. You see, the time we had a bird loose in our house is the sequel to the time we got home from our vacation to find that our 29 year old A/C unit had decided to retire. Nothing says “welcome home” quite like having to drop a couple thousand dollars on a new unit. And that would be why all our windows were open yesterday and the bird was able to get in the house. Thankfully, we live in an area where our belongings {and our dogs} are safe to leave at the house all day with the windows up. Yes, that would be a yoga mat…

  • Thankful Thursday

    Thankful Thursday

    Happy Thursday friends! As expected, it’s been a craaaazy week with graduation but I’m already past the half way mark…I got this. It’s been awhile since I’ve linked up with my friends for Thankful Thursday but in an effort to have a better attitude this week, I’m making time to share a few blessings in my life from the past couple days. Linking up with Katie Elizabeth | Make Me Up Mia | Carly Blogs Here | The Strong Family Saturday || Meet Braxton. If you’ve been following for awhile you may remember him from his rockin’ Ninja Turtle party he had a few months back. If not, he is Cory’s…

  • Thankful Thursday


    This past Sunday, Cory and I relaunched our community group. The past couple months have been busy and unfortunately our group time was always getting put off and we kind of felt like it lost its focus. We wanted to take the group to deeper level spiritually and really grow and learn with these lovely people. We pitched the idea to Joel and Sandra, our co-hosts, and it turns out they were feeling very much the same way. While meeting on Sunday, we were talking about where we wanted to take the group and we kept coming back to the word “invested”. We want to be invested…invested in each other…

  • Rwanda,  Thankful Thursday


    My heart is filled this morning as I scroll through pictures of Cory’s trip to Rwanda last summer. I long to be there and September seems like it’s an eternity away. It’s a weird feeling to look at these precious faces and feel like I already know them. I’ve heard Cory’s stories time and time again and often find myself speaking about Rwanda as if I’ve been there. How can I feel so strongly for people I’ve never met, in a country I’ve never been to? Now that we are on the upside of our July fiasco and actively planning a trip in September, it brings tears to my eyes…