I Scream FOUR Ice Cream- Baker Bea’s Ice Cream Birthday Party
I scream, you scream. We all scream FOUR ice cream! Baker Bea turned four back in July and here’s the scoop on her ice cream birthday party on her very own playground! Now that I’m finally writing this post half a year later 😂, so much has changed. We had no idea that a few short weeks after her party, we would put an offer in on a new house and list ours for sale. It’s bittersweet recapping the final birthday post from our first home because honestly, not living there still stings a little lot. We love our new home- the location, our neighbors, etc. but I would be lying…
A Princess Party for Baker’s 3rd Birthday
Before we headed to Rwanda a few weeks ago, we celebrated Baker’s 3rd birthday with a princess party fit for the princess she is. Just like last year, her birthday fell the same week we left for Rwanda so I kept her party even simpler than her Bubble Guppie 2nd birthday with a royal celebration at our house. It was a crazy week and I’ve made a mental note to do Baker’s party after we get home from Rwanda, if we go at the same time next year. I’ve had many people (ie: Cory) talk about how our definitions of “simple” are clearly different, but what most people don’t understand…
Baker’s Bubble Guppies Birthday Party
A few months ago, when I asked Baker if she wanted a Minnie or a Bubble Guppies birthday party, I was praying she would say Minnie but she confidently responded “Bubble Guppies!” Every time I asked her after that, hoping to get just one Minnie response, she said Bubble Guppies every. single. time. A Minnie party would be sooo much easier, but she made her choice so I made it my mission to plan a Bubble Guppies birthday party that didn’t look too boyish and wasn’t a straight up character party. Just a little tidbit about me, I really despise character parties. There is absolutely nothing wrong with them but…
Flamingo and Pineapple First Birthday Party
Our sweet Baker Bea turned one on July 8th ( I don’t even know how it’s possible for me to by typing those words!) and we celebrated in style with a flamingo and pineapple first birthday party. It took me forever to decide on a theme for her party and I felt like I got a really late start to planning, but it all turned out so completely perfect. This party was a labor of love, y’all, but I loved the bright, vibrant colors that represent our girl so truly.