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Hello, First Friday!
First Friday! First Friday! First Friday! Can you tell I’m a little excited about it? You may be wondering “What the heck is first Friday?” First Friday is the first Friday {obviously} of the first home game of football season. Clemson has a first Friday parade and all things football gets kicked off. This first Friday is special though because ESPN Gameday is in Clemson for the Georgia game. They’ve been setting up on Bowman field the past couple days and it looks like an ESPN studio out there. This weekend hundreds of thousands of people will cram in to this small college town and the atmosphere will be crazy! This time…
First Week of Class Craziness
Clemson officially looks like someone kicked over an ant hill. Chaos doesn’t even begin to describe our office the past few weeks. With not having a second to even breathe at work and my computer being in the shop, I haven’t done much updating. Yesterday, Cory told me that the only time he feels completely ready to have a kid is on the first day of school. Funny thing is, while I was scrolling through Facebook pictures of the 1st day, I thought the exact same thing. Too bad I don’t have any super cute pictures of kiddos getting ready to head off to school BUT I do have these…