Burlap Bridal Shower
A few weeks ago {I’m a little behind} I helped host a bridal shower for my cousin Justin and his fiance wife, Ali. I’m so far behind they’re actually married now. #smh
For this burlap bridal shower, I was in charge of the decorations and so thankful that’s all I had to do. It was the same weekend as our Stuck on the Roof fundraiser and the other hostesses were so understanding. They were so willing to help with a few last minute things I needed and I’m so glad I had the opportunity to get to know them all through the approximately 972 group text between us. I think we throw one heck of a bridal shower, if I say so myself.
Is this spread not awesome??? Ali’s aunt put it all together and I do believe she could be a professional!
Captured this sweet embrace between Ali’s friends.
That face, y’all. I die!
Loved this idea…it was cash in a glass frame that said “Break { the hammer} for Emergency”. So clever!
Ali and Justin had a great turn out for the shower and got so much good stuff for their new house!
My Mom aka the baby whisperer. I don’t know how she does it!
I’m so thankful that Ali’s family welcomed us in and let us help with the shower. They are seriously the sweetest, y’all and I’d gladly throw another shower with every single one of ’em!

Maggie@ Polka Dots in the Country
Again, everything looks amazing! I love how cute and simple everything is. And that food spread… oh my gosh.
Paige Sloan
Thank you! Did she do a great job on the food???
wow! you are such a fabulous shower do-er. seriously. the decorations are amazing!
Paige Sloan
Thank you!!!
This is adorable!
Paige Sloan
Thanks, lovely!
Biana Perez
You did such a wonderful job!! You may have a career in party planning!
Paige Sloan
Thanks, girl! I wish it was my career! I would love to do it full time :)
Rebecca Jo
It all looks so lovely!
I need to remember that cash in the glass thing! Clever for any occasion!
Paige Sloan
Thank you! I will definitely be remembering it too!
Brittany @ PerpetuallyDaydreaming
Wow! Everything looks amazing and so cute! You did an awesome job! And that spread…is making me hungry. haha.
Paige Sloan
Right??? And thank you!
Leslie @ Martin Manifesto
I think you did a fabulous job with decorations! And all of that food??? it almost looked too perfect to eat! looked like a beautiful shower!
Paige Sloan
Thank you! And I agree with the food…to pretty to mess up!
Katelyn @ Real Housewife of Greenville
You are such a great party planner! The shower decor reminds me a lot of my wedding last year…burlap, mason jars, chalkboards, etc. Have an excellent weekend!
Paige Sloan
Thanks, doll! Do you have wedding pictures on the blog? I need to see them!
Julie Joy
Awwww! Love it all! Especially the chalk borad ;)
Paige Sloan
Thank you :)