Beach Pictures at Tybee Island 2018
Our final evening on Tybee Island, we headed back out to the beach to get a few pictures of Baker in her beautiful “beach dress”. Every little girl needs pictures in a white dress on the beach, right? A few of these were snapped on my cell phone, which is why the quality is lower, but the rest were taken from my good camera- the DSLR. I don’t mean to toot my own horn but I think I captured some really great shots of our girl.
Also, these pictures would not have been possible without the three adults and two other kids there to help. Pictures of a toddler are no joke!
Baker seriously teethed what felt like all summer. She is not a thumb sucker but her fingers were in her mouth all. the. time.
Do you know how hard it is to get a good shot (everyone looking the same way, smiling, no closed eyes) of Baker let alone Baker, Taylor, and Gracie?
Well, somehow my clicking finger accomplished it and we got this perfect shot. This one is definitely frame worthy, don’t you think?!
Most of them looked like this, but I do love this one of Gracie.
I did my best to just let Baker be two and capture those little moments instead of killing myself for the “perfect shot”. If you remember this post from Easter, it just isn’t worth the frustration and I think candid shots turn out so much better.
You were meant for amazing things, my love.
It honestly feels like just yesterday that Gracie was the same size as Baker, running around on Tybee Island the summer we got engaged there. And now she’s turned into this beautiful young lady going in to the 7th grade.
And then I got one beautiful shot of Baker smiling with the ocean behind her. Is she looking at the camera? No. Does she have fistfuls of sand? Yes. But what I see is one of my favorite looks she gives and her hair curling from the salt air and my mama heart is so, so full.
Towards the end of our shoot (or more accurately, what caused the end of the shoot), Baker was running behind Gracie and wasn’t paying attention when she stopped. She ran right into the back of Gracie, knocking her down in the ocean, soaking her pretty white dress. However, after she fell, she didn’t seem as scared of the waves.
So we clicked a few more family pictures and wrapped up our session on the beach.
The face you make when you finally decide you like the ocean but now you have to leave.
This officially wraps up our time at Tybee Island this summer. We headed back to the house, packed up, and headed back home to Daddy first thing the next morning. Baker and I had a great time with my family and really enjoyed a chance to spend a few days at the beach!

One Comment
Rebecca Jo
I love them…. I love the realness of pics with hand fulls of sand & pouty faces – real life is always the best!!!!!
That one of her from behind running with the ocean in front of her??? That pic is stunning!!!!!! The wind in it & that foot raising to run – so much energy in the pic!