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Baker Bea,  Baker's First Year

Baker Bea | 2 months


Holy cow, y’all. That time, she’s a thief. While I love seeing our girl grow and develop into her own little self, it makes me so sad that the sweet newborn moments are quickly fading away. Baker was two months old on September 8th (I’m just a little behind. Ahem.) and boy, has she changed over the last month. Most noticeably? That hair, y’all. It’s completely un-tamable and I love it!


Weight: 12 lbs 9 oz (90th %)
Birth: 8 lbs 6 oz

Length: 23 in (75th %)
Birth: 21 in

Head: 15 1/4 in (50th %)
Birth: 13.5 in


We had our 2 month check up on the 12th and obviously, we have a very healthy little girl on our hands. She is in size one diapers and wearing 3 month clothes.

God must have known how much Cory and I needed an easy baby because Baker is seriously the most laid back baby. She rarely fusses unless she’s hungry or needs a diaper change, which she doesn’t even mind. We’ve only heard her really open up a few times (mostly when she realizes she’s laying by herself or she gets hangry) but when she does, all hell has broken loose. That quiet little newborn cry is gone and she’s crying actual tears now.

In month two, she has started smiling and there is nothing sweeter than that gummy smile! She has also become a lot more verbal- her little squeals and coos are just all so cute.


But as soon as you get your phone out to snap a picture, she becomes completely consumed with the phone and won’t smile for you anymore.


Everything is new to her and Cory and I just love watching her discover things like her hands and the amazement all over her face.

LOVES the ceiling fan, bath time, the owl on her carseat, the NUK pacifier (seriously, the only brand we don’t have at least a dozen of. We have 3.), sleeping on Mama’s chest, smiling, talking, the arrow hanging on the wall in her room, sleeping with a hand by her face.



Hand always near her face!

HATES having her nose cleaned out and her hair towel dried.


Despite our best efforts, she has found her hands and loves sucking on her first two fingers. She will spit the paci out to suck on her little fist and even mittens won’t stop her!

Thank you sweet Jesus for giving us a good sleeper! Can I get a few high fives? She sleeps 6-7 hours at night and hasn’t had a night feeding in a few weeks. Normally, she wakes up between 5:00 am-6:00 am, eats, gets a clean diaper and we lay back down and sleep until 10:00/10:30am. She sleeps best in her rock and play but we try and make her sleep in the bassinet with the hope that she will transition to her crib easier (when we get to that point!). Mama and Daddy aren’t ready to move her to room yet. She never really liked having her arms swaddled so she sleeps in a sleep sack and mittens to keep her hands warm.



She always manages to get one or two fingers out, probably to suck on them.

Our girl loves eating! That’s apparent by the rolls on those thighs. She is eating 4 oz every 2.5- 3 hours. We are still feeding on demand and sometimes (mostly in the evening) she is ready to eat again at 2 hours. I am exclusively pumping because I never had any luck with Baker latching on and thankfully, have a great supply of milk. We actually had to buy a deep freezer just to store the milk in and I’ve probably got close to 1000 oz in my stash.


From the very beginning, Baker has had amazing head control. I think she’ll be sitting up on her own very soon. She loves laying in her pack and play or on her play mat and looking at her toys. She’ll even grab on to them. She’s started to find her tongue too and if you stick yours out at her, she’ll try to get hers out too. She’s not a huge fan of tummy time but we try to do it a few minutes every day.


Charley has become much more interested in Baker the past couple weeks and is often following her around or laying near her. She’s still crazy but getting better.

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The carrier is so useful carrying things besides just Baker.


That toe gap, ya’ll.




Baker cheered on the Tigers during their season opening against Auburn.


She spent some time outside with daddy and of course had to wear her sunglasses for the first time.


She went to her first band practice to hear daddy and the band get ready for a Sunday worship.


And she met her new baby cousin, Lincoln. Can’t you tell how much they both enjoyed it?



You’re two whole months and words just can’t express how much I love being your mommy. You have made this transition into parenthood easier than I ever imagined. (Easier, not easy!) Daddy and I love how you smile with your whole face and that crazy head of hair you’ve got! So far, you seem to have your daddy’s laid back personality and as long as you’re full and have a dry diaper, you are good to go! Mama has spoiled you (that’s not possible at such a young age is it?) and we both enjoy our morning naps on my chest. You like to be held and really enjoy being able to look around. Sometimes, you just wanna stretch out or nap in your swing but those times aren’t nearly as often.

I never knew that being a mommy would be such a blessing. You have changed our whole world, sweet girl!








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