Baker Bea | 10 Months
DOUBLE DIGITS, y’all! On May 8th, we celebrated ten incredible months with Baker Bea. Month ten was a big month from beginning to end. As I look at the notes in my phone where I keep all of her monthly progress, I’m amazed at all the growth and development that happened over the last month. The difference from month 9 has been pretty astonishing. We ended the month with a bang, literally. As in, she fell out of the chair when we were taking these pictures. Hello, worst parents in the world. She WAS NOT very happy, to say the least.
Weight: 22ish lbs
Birth: 8 lbs 6 oz
We don’t go back to the doctor until her one-year check up so I won’t have her stats again till then. Baker is still in size-3 diapers and in 12-month clothes, for the most part. We’ve even put her in a few 18-month outfits, mostly shorts and dresses. Poor girl has to have bigger shorts so we don’t cut the circulation off in her chunky thigh…but then this happens…
Maybe denim shorts just aren’t going to work for her right now.
Now that her hair is getting longer, it’s getting a little wild again. We try to keep a bow in it so that it stays out of her eyes but she’s just discovered that bows are removable. But naptime hair is the best!
Baker has such a tenderhearted and sweet, yet feisty, personality (if that makes any sense). She knows exactly what she wants and when she wants it but also loves to snuggle up next to us and just hang out some times.
Since birth, she has been a chill, “go with the flow” kinda baby (she gets it from her daddy!) but after some glimpses of clinginess appeared the past few months, I was worried she was losing that characteristic. She has become much more independent and laid back this month and as long as she’s not hungry or tired, has gotten really good at occupying herself for a chunk of time.
We are hoping it is just a stage but Baker has become very timid this month. Not towards other people, she will literally go to anyone, but she’s just not very brave or daring. Not that I mind one bit, but I do feel like it’s holding her back just a tiny bit. Timid or not, she is full of personality!
She has the best smile, showcasing those two little bottom teeth and all.those.gums. and it makes my heart swell to hear her giggles throughout our home.
Baker will say “Dada” all day long, even if I try over and over again to get her to repeat after me and say “Mama”–but when she’s upset, she cries for me and that “MAMA” comes out loud and strong. Talk about melting my heart, even if she only wants me when she’s mad.
I love this girl so much from her eyes all the way down to her rolley ankles and stubby little toes.
LOVES BakerĀ adores being outside, ya’ll. She would stay outside all day, just sitting in the grass and playing (and eating some too!).
She particularly loves when she can wiggle her little piggies into the dirt! And I love seeing her discover new things!
Being outside so much has resulted in her needing more than her old routine of one-two baths a week (don’t judge)- good thing she enjoys her bath! We’ve moved her from sink baths to a bath in the tub, mainly because I got tired of cleaning my sink out to fit her in it (don’t judge).
Her bunny lovey is almost always in her hand and she has started to suck on the (cloth) ears of the bunny. That just gives me the shivers thinking about it, but it’s her thing. She HAS to have this to fall asleep and we always know when she’s almost out because she’ll take the ears of the bunny and rub her nose/ sniff them.
Baker still loves the dogs and the dogs still pretty much hate her. Actually, thankfully, they do tolerate her. She thinks it’s hilarious when they come up and sniff her face and she loves to get a hold of their ears, tails, and lips. She enjoys sharing her food with them and they do seem to love her for a moment!
A few other things she loves is chewing on anything she can get in her mouth, particularly the handle and side of her pacifier and the numbers and letters from herĀ foam puzzle mat.Ā I found one at Aldi for like $12 a few months ago and it has been the best investment with hardwood floors. It gives her a soft place to play and she likes to pull the pieces apart. Even though Baker doesn’t get much TV time, Nanny lets her watch a little Mickey Mouse during the day and it’s by far her favorite show. I think Nanny also lets her play with the remote because she’ll do whatever she has to to get her hands on it!
Baker has also turned into quite the little dancer. Any time that she hears any kind of music, or even just a beat, her little body gets to moving and her arms start flapping. If she realizes someone is watching her, she’ll give you this little grin and keep shaking that little booty.
HATES You guys, I was so excited to buy Baker a baby swing. We have the perfect tree in our back yard with plenty of shade and as much as she likes being outside, I just knew she was going to love it! Cory hung the swing up for us, we put her in it one time and gave her a little push and it was an instant meltdown. Now, every time we’ve tried to put her in we get the same, instant meltdown. She is terrified of this thing! Other than that, our happy girl really doesn’t dislike much other than maybe (TMI) pooping. She’s really not a fan of the strain. Ha. And she doesn’t like to be forced to try to crawl, or even being on her stomach really. When we put her up on her knees, she almost always screams.
EAT Ā This monthĀ was a huge transition in the food department. While she still takes 4 5oz bottles of breastmilk daily, she has discovered that she loves eating regular food. Gone are the days where we could eat and let her play. When we eat, she demands to be eating. She has perfected feeding herself (which looks more like a crab pinching at something with her pointer finger and middle finger) and is perfectly content when she has a plate of food in front of her. Unintentionally, we discovered that she loves spinach at dinner one night when I Ā just let her try it. It was mixed into a dish we were eating and I couldn’t pick it out quick enough. She loved it so much that Cory had to get up in the middle of dinner and go sautĆ© her some more to keep her happy! She also loves strawberries and the only foods she hasn’t liked so far have been lemon cupcakes and cauliflower.
We realized Ā that Baker is completely able to hold her bottle and she can pick it back up, when she’s dropped it, and get the nipple back in her mouth. She may have been able to do this sooner but we were bad about always holding her bottle for her. We still like to hold it for her though because we can’t accept the fact that our baby is quickly becoming a toddler.
SLEEP Sleep, oh sleep. Sleep was difficult for Baker this month and in turn, difficult for Mama and Daddy but particularly Daddy. There were a few very long nights where we would put Baker to bed around 8:30 or 9:00 and she would wake up around 10:30- 11:00 and be up pretty much all night. She’s not fussy when she wakes up, just ready to party! Just look how sleepy those eyes are…
But our super hero of a husband/daddy finally won the battle! We thought she was teething but a new tooth never broke through. Come to find out, there is a sleep regression around 10 months and we think that was the culprit. Most nights, she is still waking up around 3:00ish and we just bring her to our bed so we can all get some sleep. There is absolutely nothing sweeter than being able to make your child fall back asleep just by cuddling them. I cherish moments like that so very deeply!
It’s very rare that Baker stays asleep during the transfer from the car to the house but when she does we let her nap, especially with the lack of sleep this month. We even put her in her crib!
PLAYĀ Baker is still not crawling, but we are not pushing her to become mobile (are you sensing a theme here? We need time to slow down just a little before our baby is no longer a baby). However, she can definitely get around. She scoots all around on her bottom and has definitely made her way across the living room a few times. Since she started scooting, she’s no longer rolling everywhere she needs to go but still pushes herself backwards on her belly. During month 10 she went from trying to get up on her knees, to getting one leg underneath herself, to getting up on her hands and knees just a few times but she scares herself when she feels like she might fall.
We have been a little concerned since she is not crawling, or even showing very much interest in it, but our doctor has confirmed that we just have a lazy little girl.
My mother is an early interventionist for children and is continuously making sure that Baker is hitting all the developmental check marks. I’m sure every parent thinks that their child is the smartest kid around and Cory and I are no different. She has always hit every benchmark and even some early. We are sure proud of our smart (but oh, so lazy) girl!
Baker has gotten really good at waving bye- sometimes her hand is turned backwards and facing her, though. We taught her to wave bye from the “fancy fingers” she does on her mouth. We aren’t completely sure that she has connected the dots to know that it means that someone is leaving but her little hand is always moving!
Some of her favorite toys right now are the Fisher-Price First Baby Blocks (she loves to dump all the blocks out), Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Remote,Ā the roller coaster top on her activity cube that Gigi and Pop bought her for Christmas and her Elmo guitar.
Baker celebrated her first Easter!
She had her first ride in her bigĀ girl car seat! We have this one for Cory’s car and this one for my car.
She spent her first afternoon in daddy’s hammock.
And tried her first pickle at the softball field.
Baker and Daddy sold a lot of concessions this month!
Baker also had her first lemon…not quite the reaction we expected it but I had already squeezed most of the juice out.
Spending the month growing and developing wears us girls out!
To Baker:
Even though you kept us up a lot this month, life with you just keeps getting more and more fun. Your crazy little personality and sense of humor keeps our house full of laughter, and your sweet snuggliness brings everyone closer. You’re truly a part of the family in every way, and as you get more mobile and more vocal, we can’t wait to see what crazy thing you’ll bring to the table next!
She was in such a good little mood until that mean Mama and Daddy let her fall out of the chair.
But Daddy made it all better!
Just call her Miss Mood Swings. This is the feisty, give me what I want (the sticker) when I want it (now!) I was talking about!
Always holding that foot!
Okay…she is done!
Seriously, she was over it and we called it a day and said we’d use what we had! Your first time hitting the ground is apparently very traumatizing.