Back in Commission
My computer is finally back in commission! My charger, which is the 3rd charger I’ve had for this computer, started going in and out a few weeks ago and finally stopped working last weekend. I wasn’t about to pay $80 for a new one at Wal-mart so I had to wait for my $12 one from eBay to arrive.
I feel like since it is Friday, I have to say “It’s finally Friday”, but I only worked two days this week. Monday is my normal day off, I woke up Thursday with a migraine, and I planned on taking today off to spend some time with Cory.
He goes on night shift this weekend and had to take today off so he could switch his sleep schedule. I’m not a huge fan of night shift (I don’t know if any wives are) but thankfully it’s only for a few weeks and he only has to do it once or twice a year.
Cory actually had Thursday off too but spent the day busting his tail around our yard. He had a dump truck full of mulch delivered Thursday morning and by the end of the day he had it all spread and the sidewalks and carport pressure washed.
He probably wished that he was at work rather than doing all that but our yard desperately needed some TLC. It really was a huge facelift for the front of our house and I’m so thankful for a hardworking husband who will work as hard as he does.
I would share some pictures but I sold my camera today!
Two years ago, Cory bought me the Canon Powershot SX40. It has been a great camera but since I’ve started this blog, I realized that I really need want a D-SLR. I’m still trying to figure out which one I want and I’ve got to decide because I’m going on Monday to get it. I’ve got it narrowed down between the Canon Rebel T3i, T4i, Nikon D3200 or D5100.
Cory actually wanted me to keep my old camera and I hope I don’t regret selling it but the money will be helpful towards my new one.
Since Cory worked so hard yesterday, we spent the day riding around in his jeep. The weather in South Carolina has been so beautiful the past week and today was the perfect day to ride around with the doors off. We ran a few errands and he even went to the grocery store with me.
I dread all things about the grocery store. I can’t stand planning a menu, going to the grocery store and unloading the groceries. I think it’s because having groceries in the house means I have to cook and most days, I just don’t have the desire or the energy to be in the kitchen all evening. I know that it’s better for us, health wise and financially, to stick to the menu and eat at home but for the past couple of months, it just hasn’t worked out that way.
And by hasn’t worked out that way, I mean that I haven’t even been to the grocery store except to pick up a few things like milk, bread, cereal and some fruit.
I don’t dread it as much if Cory is there to help. I still have to plan the menu but he helps check for ingredients and keeps me company at the store. Plus, he carries most of the bags in for me and helps put the groceries up. If only I could get him to split the cooking with me, I’d be golden.
Speaking of cooking, Cory and I both had birthdays in the past two weeks and my parents always do our birthday dinner together. One of my favorite meals is meatloaf, mac and cheese, and pinto beans and cornbread. Since I haven’t cooked in at least two months, when my Mom asked me what I wanted, I didn’t even hesitate to answer. So tonight I stuffed my face with some of the best food I’ve ever tasted. When my Mom cooks, it looks so easy but always taste so good. Her cooking is one of the top 5 things I miss about living at home.
Maybe one day I’ll cook like she does. I wouldn’t hold your breath though.
Okay… since I’ve now caught up on my past couple of days, I’ve got to go catch up on Scandal and Parenthood {too many good shows on Thursday night} and make a dip for our tailgate tomorrow. It will be another bright and early day in Clemson to watch the Tigers beat Boston College.
Hope y’all have a great weekend and Go Tigers!

One Comment
Where can i find the witch legs?