April in Review + May Goals
Looking back over my April Goals, I’m pretty impressed with myself for the first month.
1. Spend more time in prayer. Sort of. I prayed more but not as much as I should have.
2.Go through my closet and get rid of clothes that I don’t wear anymore. Swap out summer/winter clothes. I got rid of four trash bags full of clothes and shoes that I don’t wear any more. I’d call that a success!
3. Go through our office/music room/storage room. Make a donation pile and yard sale pile and PURGE. Get rid of anything we don’t need especially any home decorations I’m no longer using.Done and Done! You can check out my office transformation here.
4. Keep better records of our cash envelopes. Stop spending from them and not writing it down! Very proud of myself for this one! Our cash system has been up to date nearly all month!
5. Get back to planning a menu, going to the grocery store and cooking from the menu. This would be a negative simply because I haven’t been to the grocery store. Yes, you read that right. I haven’t bought groceries since my monthly goals post in the beginning of April. I stopped and got a few things once but only got what I needed. On the flip side, we’ve made an effort to use what we had in our cabinets and fridge to be less wasteful.
6. Drink more water. Thanks these bad boys, I’ve been drinking about four bottles of water a day!
7. Finish my blog calendar for April and May. Be more organized with my blog! I shared this picture on Instagram of my Erin Condren life planner and my progress towards organizing my blog post. May isn’t finished {or anywhere near it} but using the sticky notes has made a world of difference in my productivity.
8. Take my puppies on more walks…we have a perfect neighborhood to walk in, pretty weather and we all need the exercise. Shamefully, a big fat fail on this one. I’ve only taken them on one walk.
Now to my May goals:
1. Spend more time in prayer.
2. Drink MORE water than I did in April
3. Walk my puppies.
4. Plan my meals and actually go to the grocery store.
5. Actually eat the meals we bought for. At the end of the month, make an effort to make meals with what we have to be less wasteful.
6. Save money by cutting back our restaurant, entertainment & blow envelopes and start paying extra on our mortgage.
7. In an effort to save money and drink more water, only order water when we go out to eat {this is going to be a tough one!}
8. Eat more veggies preferable in smoothies.
9. Decide on a color and paint master bedroom.
10. Find a duvet cover to match new color of master bedroom.
If you haven’t already, don’t forget to enter the Nutribullet giveaway!
linked with Maeg @ The Modern Tulip

mia @ makemeupmia
I always feel so bad when the weather is nice and I don’t take Pixie on a walk, she loves it so much I’m just so busy most days :( I’m going to make that a goal of mine toO!
Paige Sloan
Ugh! Me too! My poor dogs stay by themselves 8 or 9 hours a day and really need more exercise! I’m really going to try to get better with this one this month.
Amanda Elizabeth
These goal lists are so helpful! I really need to sit down and do one for may thanks for the reminder!
Paige Sloan
If I don’t write it down, I will never stick to it! It’s a great way to hold myself accountable.
great goals, girl!
Paige Sloan
Thank you! Hopefully I can stick with them!
Rachel G
When I was growing up, my family was never “allowed” to get anything other than water at restaurants (hey, when you have 7 kids, that adds up a LOT!) so it’s automatic for me to order water when we’re eating out. I’ve tried to convince Angel that paying $2 for a pop when we can get an entire 2 liter at the grocery store for 88 cents is ridiculous…but so far he does not believe me. :P
Paige Sloan
It adds up so quickly! Some restaurants around here are charging almost $3 for them now! This will probably be my hardest goal but Cory already only drinks water so it will save money and be more healthy!
Maegen @ The Modern Tulip
Love your goals babe! And congrats on completing so many of Aprils goals. Feels good I bet to check those off the list! I need to decide on a master bedroom color and paint too, I’m just so indecisive!
Paige Sloan
Thanks pretty lady! If I could find a new duvet cover I liked, it would be easier to decide on a room color. I know I want something bright and airy but there’s just too many choices!!!