A Few Favorites Lately!
This post is sponsored by Baby Cubby but all opinions are 100% my own.
It’s been a while since I shared Baker’s newborn favorites so I’m updating my list of things that we couldn’t currently live without! All of these products were provided to me by Baby Cubby but most were products that we already had and loved and I just added to our collection…like these bibs.
Around our house, we go through 1-2 bibs (at least!) daily. Baker has been “teething” (drooling like crazy, gnawing on anything she can get her hands on) for what seems like months. It’s literally been like 4 months now and she still hasn’t popped a tooth through.
From the very beginning, the bandana bibs have been a favorite and I’ve been swooning over these prints from Copper Pearl since I began buying bibs.
They are the softest bibs we own and so absorbent (they actually keep her clothes dry) plus the patterns are just so precious! With a drooling baby, you can never have too many bibs. AmIright?
I actually bought Baker one of these Banana Teething Toothbrushes for Christmas and from the moment we gave it to her, she loved it!
Nana, as we termed it, became a necessity to keeping her entertained, especially during diaper changes. As I’m sure any of my fellow dog mamas can attest to this, our dogs love anything rubber like this and the first time I dropped it and it went unnoticed, Einstein snuck it away and chewed it up.
I was so disappointed but when I saw them in-stock on Baby Cubby, I knew I had to order Baker a new one. She will chew on this thing forever and not get bored, plus the little handles make it easy for her hands to hold on to!
Other than pureed foods, we’ve only given Baker just a few different solid foods like eggs, toast, cheese, noodles, and avacados. The other day, I spread a small handful of shredded cheese on the tray of her high chair while we were cooking dinner and when it was gone, I assumed she ate it all. The next day, Cory sent me a text asking why there was a “pound of shredded cheese in Baker’s seat”. Ha! Solid foods can be so messy but this EZPZ Mini Mat makes for a much cleaner eating experience. Plus, I really like that we can throw it in the diaper bag if we need it. The best thing about it though? She can’t throw it off her high chair! #winning
A little known fact about my talented husband is that along with many other instruments, he plays accordion. When I saw this Skip Hop Hedgehog Accordion, I couldn’t pass up the chance for Baker to be twinning with her daddy.
How cute is it?
She hasn’t quite figured out how to make it play music, but loves when we play it for her and she loves to chew on it, of course.
When shopping for any child, let alone a baby, it can be so overwhelming with all the possibilities out there. Baby Cubby is a team made up of parents (they get it!) and they believe in families, laughter, and happiness. They have taken all the guessing out of shopping by spending hundreds of hours researching baby gear so we as parents don’t have to!
Their products have been tested and proved tried and true, in order to to provide the highest quality and safest gear. The best part? They even price-match and offer free shipping nationwide on orders over $49. You can’t beat that!
Baby Cubby also recognizes that parenting is hard (#truth) but also the most rewarding and important job in the world. Not only do they make shopping fun, easy, and quick but their blog is full of so many great topics to help make our jobs as parents just a tad bit easier. I highly recommend checking out Baby Cubby and their blog and only wish I had known about them earlier!

Rebecca Jo Vincent
They just make the neatest baby stuff now. SO smart. I love the plate that they cant throw!! That alone is worth a million bucks ;)
Those little bibs… PERFECT for all the slobber days of teething while still looking fashionable ;)
Paige @ Reasons to Come Home
Yes! Now that she’s started really eating food, the plate is the best! She uses the edges of it so she doesn’t have to chase the food all around her high chair!
Courtney Spena
I LOVE those bibs! Seriously. So, so, so cute.
Paige @ Reasons to Come Home
They are seriously the best! We are still using them at 10 months old.