A Baby Sprinkle
Hey y’all! Remember me? Goodness, I was really hoping I would have some time to catch y’all up on our home progress before the craziness of fundraising for Rwanda started but obviously, I haven’t. We are in full fundraising mode with our first big one- a BBQ sale and concert this weekend. We’ve been going 90 mph getting ready for that and our annual huge, indoor yard sale that is a few weeks away.
I guess I didn’t have enough on my calendar because this past weekend, I agreed to help host a baby sprinkle for my best friend, Jessica. Because this is her second babe, we kept things simple. It really was more about sharing with her how excited and loved this baby boy will be!
But, you know me, I can’t do a shower sprinkle and not do at least a few decorations. This is nothing in comparison to the shower I threw her for Kaylen but she needed more stuff then and I had way more free time!
Chalkboard sign complimentary of Cory. You can see how he does all our chalkboard signs here.
He also free handed the canvas umbrella guestbook. I completely forgot to get a picture with all the “raindrop” thumbprints!
My co-host, Amanda, booked the room for us so I had no idea going in to it exactly what I would need as far as decorations. You can never go wrong with fabric garland and paper straws, amirite?
The blue punch was the easiest drink recipe I’ve ever made. It was just a 2L bottle of Sprite and Blue Hawaiian Punch with a little bit of ice thrown in there to chill it.
Hey, I told you we kept it simple!
And Cory {who only drinks water} told me he felt bad because he wanted to drink the whole container because it was the best thing he ever drank. A bit of a stretch? Maybe. But it was pretty good.
I used my Silhouette Cameo to cut out the clouds. And then proceeded to knock it off the couch. Whoops! Mama needs a new desk.
It felt like 105 degrees on Saturday and our ice cream sundae bar hit the spot!
The clouds and raindrops didn’t turn out exactly like I had envisioned but that’s a risk you take when you’ve never seen the location before. I do think they were still adorable, though!
The only picture I got of Miss K’s outfit. She’s so ready for her brother to be here!
Mama and Kaylen with the hostesses. And Kaylen bringin the ‘tude.
And with her baby sprinkle, I do believe everything is just about ready for little man to enter this world! In a short 6 weeks, he’ll be here for us all to love on and spoil!

Biana @ Blovedboston
An ice cream sundae bar – that sounds amazing!! you did a wonderful job with the sprinkle girl! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Rebecca Jo
So cute!!! I love the idea of baby sprinkles. I mean, if you’re not the first, you get jipped of new stuff :) haha
I bet the ice cream bar was a hit – especially on a hot day!
Brittany @ PerpetuallyDaydreaming
Can’t handle all of the cute details!! Love love love! Those cloud straws are adorable. Nice work!
ice cream sundae bar?! amazing. seriously, you throw the best everything ;)
Katelyn @ Real Housewife of Greenville
What a cool sprinkle! I love the little clouds and raindrops theme. You did an amazing job pulling it together and it looked like so much fun! Your friend is lucky to have such a good party planner as her friend!
B @ The Sequin Notebook
What an adorable shower!! I absolutely love all of the little details that help tie the theme together. Plus, an ice cream sundae bar is always a good idea!
Maggie@ Polka Dots in the Country
You did such a great job, I love the idea of a sprinkle! And those puffy clouds with the “rain” are so cute! Can’t wait to hear more about the casa and all your fundraising for Rwanda!
this turned out SOOO cute. y’all did a great job. i wish i had some of that talent.
Julie Joy
How precious! I love the theme! You did a great job with the decorations! mmmmmm an ice cream bar sounds delicious!!!