Confessions part 2
It’s been forever since I’ve shared some of my deepest, darkest secrets with you guys so today I’m back to confess a few things. After a crazy past couple of weeks working on the kitchen, lots of long nights and a ton of tension, I figured what better time to get some things off my chest and have a good laugh? Two birds with one stone.
I confess…
A few weeks months ago, I caught Cory feeding Einstein and Hampton jelly beans and his reasoning was “well, they like them.”
Our dogs have some pretty ridiculous nicknames…Hammy {pun intended. he’s a porker}, Hampy, Hampytown, Loud Mouth McGee, Stein, Steinburg syndrome, Speggy {Einstein} & Murbels {Hampton}, Chuckles, Charlie Boo Boo.
They probably have no idea what their real names are.
I’m not much of a homemaker. Cory is the one who does most of our cleaning because he’s OCD about it, and let’s just be honest, I’m lazy. It’s not that I’m a dirty person, I just don’t mind a mess.
The ironic thing is, all I’ve wanted to be for the past couple years is a stay at home wife. I think I’m hurting my chances since I don’t cook or clean.
I changed my major three times before my sophomore year of college and I still don’t know what I want to do with my life.
On that same note…
I worked really hard for a degree that I’ve never used. Sometimes I question whether or not the time and money was worth it.
What I wanted to tell our students last week during final exams…
My first semester at Clemson, the lock on my drivers side door jammed and would not open. My dad wanted to wait until summer break to get it fixed so I didn’t have to worry about being without a car. What he didn’t “understand” was how humiliating it was to be parked in a lot full of brand new BMWs and Mercedes {which now seems ridiculous for a freshman in college} and here I was having to crawl in and out of my passenger side door. So, I would linger around my car, like a total creeper, wait until no one was around and hop into the passenger seat. After chilling there for a few minutes, like I meant to get in on that side, I’d take another quick peek around to see if anyone was watching and then I’d crawl over into the drivers seat.
While it was humiliating at the time, I firmly believe that my dad knew exactly what he was doing. Everyone should have a humbling experience like that in their young life. Now, it wouldn’t bother me one bit. I’d just be thankful I still had a vehicle that ran.
If I call Cory and he doesn’t answer, I call him back 179 times and then proceed to freak out because he must be dead on the side of the road. I’ve gotten better than I used to be, though.
Sometimes, I forget I’m not a groomer and try to trim Einstein in between visits. It always turns out something like this.
The quickest way to my heart is through a guitar and a sweet love song.
Or Taco Bell.
A guitar or Taco Bell works every time. I once had a guy tell me I was the best first date he’d ever been on because I was cool with Taco Bell. You’d think that would’ve been a huge red flag.
It wasn’t.
For some strange reason, my car always smells like Taco Bell. We’ve tried cleaning every square inch and it still smells.
I love a good “that’s what she said” joke. Maybe a little too much.
Chipotle is my liiiife. I could watch this 100 times a day and never get tired of it.
Have anything you need to get off your chest today? Get that confession on!

Biana @Blovedboston
I’m totally the same way – I dont mind the mess but just in our bedroom since we are the only ones that see it – in the living room and kitchen its a different story! LOL xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Katie Elizabeth
I am the SAME WAY when Nick doesn’t answer his phone!! And he knows this which makes me even more worked up when he doesn’t just shoot me a text and say he can’t talk or something.. anything! Ugh, the worst feeling. And too funny about the dogs – sometimes I’m surprised Brady knows his name too with all of the nicknames we have for him!
Mia @ MakeMeUpMia
You are NOT alone, I freak out too when Dustin doesn’t answer haha. And… now I’m craving Taco Bell….
I am constantly calling my cat by different names. Her official name is Peyton but I refer to her as so many different things i worry about giving her a complex.
Rebecca Jo
This was great!!!
Ricky does the same thing to me if I don’t answer the phone. I hate it when I’m in a meeting with someone & he forgets … there’s no stopping him. I’ll answer & just not talk so he can hear I’m alive but talking to someone :)
I’ve been on a taco bell kick lately myself.
Did you see my last engagement session on FB? They did a “that’s what she said” picture :) haha
Awesome. I love this post. Made my day!!!
i totally needed to read this today. Thank you fOr sharing because it is hiLarioUs and i like to Know im not the only weIrdo. ;)
i do the calling a million times thing as well, lol. oops. also, i’m a lot ‘dirtier’ than i used to be. i’m not dirty, i can just deal with dishes in the sink longer than i used to haha. that car story though – hilarious!! once, i locked myself out of my car but my boot (trunk) was open so i had to crawl through it to open the doors – i had to do that at a gas station… on a busy road. lol
i call my dog a bunch of names too, including charlize theron. idk why. he’s a boy named charlie brown! ;)
Sam @ Away She Went
Our dogs have random nicknames too. We call Abby: Bubs, Bubbie lou, and Fat Cow. I’m not sure where any of those came from other than cow, we call her that because she grazes on the grass outside. We call Ringo: Bear, Bearsie, and Bud bud. Ringo got the nickname Bear because he acts like a bear. Although, he probably thinks his name is No…haha.
Candace Shiflet
please tell me why they haven’t invented comment emojis yet? cause I would have like 20 cry-laughing ones. you’re hilarious! basically your meme/gif game is on point and made this post that much better! ps I went to taco bell for the first time in like way too long yesterday and I think I might be going back tonight…and basically everyday till I die.
xo, Candace | Lovely Little Rants
I also love a good that’s what she said joke! And I wish I was the lax one about cleaning…my fiance is so I’m the one always stressing about how terrible our apartment looks (but still too lazy to FULLY clean it on my own). Michael is the one who’s crazy if I don’t answer him. He can KNOW that I’m driving home (and 90% of the time there’s traffic in Seattle) but if I don’t answer my phone or text back (which I never do while driving) he just panics! Then he gets mad when I get home and says I should be able to use my phone if traffic is moving that slowly. Exhausting. :)
Lisa @ Lisa Loves John
I swear, we are the same person… I’m always talking about being a stay at home wife (minus the cooking and cleaning, haha!)