Friday Favorites
Happy Friday, friends! I know everyone is is saying this but how is June already over? I’ve accomplished zero of my monthly goals. Oops!
So I was pretty bummed to learn that my friends hosting the five on Friday linkup were taking a break over the summer but last night as I snuggled with my babies, not blogging, I was really enjoying it! Next week, I hope to be more prepared and link up with Amanda but lets face it…I’ve been behind all summer!
Since we’ve got another busy weekend with my bestie Kristen getting married on Sunday, I thought I would share just a few highlights of my week.
1| At home grooming. Take my advice and don’t try it. The only reason we did was because the groomer couldn’t get Einstein in until the week after next and he needed to be groomed like two weeks ago. He was so hot so we attempted to do it ourselves.
He looks so nervous, doesn’t he? Well, he had good reason to be. He isn’t a fan of being groomed but surprisingly, did okay. That was until we got to his face. Dog doesn’t like to have his face cut. And since he was bucking us the whole time, his face ended up looking like a rat. Poor, poor ugly Stein!
At least he’s cool until we can get him to groomer to get him fixed up.
2 | Chocolate coconut water. I was a little skeptical when Maeg @ The Modern Tulip recommended chocolate coconut water but I tried it anyways. Oh. my. gosh. It tastes just like chocolate milk, y’all! I will definitely be adding these to my grocery list!
3 | Spray tans. Since I utterly failed at doing any exercise for Kristen’s wedding, I at least have to be tan to make myself feel better. While I have a good base tan from the beach, I’ve got some tan lines. I’m going this evening to get an airbrush tan and I’ve never had one before. I’ve done the spray tan booths before {never again!} and praying the airbrush turns out better than the booth. Any tips so I don’t end up like Ross???
I’m so excited to celebrate with Kristen this weekend and the best part??? I don’t have to decide what to wear! Follow me on Insta to see all the wedding fun and happy weekend :)

Mia @ MakeMeUpMia
Hahaha that Friends episode, it’s one of my faves! Little Einstein is so cute! his facial expressions are perfect here :)
Paige Sloan
It never gets old, does it??? He was so nervous, poor little fella!
oh gosh your dog is too cute, poor little guy! i have no self tan advice, amanda (voyage of the meemee) suggested versa spa the other day and i looked into that and it looks good to me! i suck at self tanning so i’d rather go somewhere and stand still while a machine / person does it haha
Paige Sloan
Yes! I’m not very good at it either! But I’ve also used the booths before and had an awful tan. Thankfully, having someone airbrush the tan on turned out really good!
amanda elizabeth
Awwwwww that sweet face!!! Came out so good though! Thanks for linking up girl!
Paige Sloan
We still need a little practice but I was pretty impressed!
Julie Joy
Have fun at the wedding this weekend!! :) That picture of grooming your puppy is so funny! Poor thing! :) We shave our dogs too and it’s definitely not professional but it’s better than paying someone! :) Coconut chocolate water?! Sounds oddly delish! :)
Paige Sloan
If we could get his face right, we would totally do it at home! Cory said he was going to watch some youtube videos on how to do the “teddy bear cut”. It sure would save us some money! And I thought the same thing about the coconut water but it’s so good! Glad I tried it :)
Biana Perez
Hope you have the best time at your friends wedding!! Sounds like it’s going to be a blast!! Love that sweet face when you were all done with the grooming!!
Paige Sloan
Thanks, lovely! It was such a beautiful day!
Katie Elizabeth
Favorite Friends episode ever! Seriously, that is why I’ve never tried a spray tan! Hope yours turned out well and hope you had a blast at the wedding!!
Paige Sloan
That episode never gets old! After my first attempt with the booth, I said never again but luckily the airbrush was much better! I didn’t streak or turn orange, praise Jesus!
Maggie@ Polka dots in the Country
Aw Einstein looks pretty cute, y’all did a good job for doing it the first time! I’ll have to try that chocolate coconut milk, I really like the Vita Coco with Pineapple coconut water. I’ve had plenty of spray tans from the booth, some came out pretty good, some I looked like an oompa loompa but I’ve heard good things about airbrush. And I am so sad they’re taking a break for summer too, I’ll be excited when they come back! Hope you had a good weekend!
Paige Sloan
Good news! I didn’t turn orange. YAY!!! Poor Einstein has been so cold since we shaved him! I’ll have to try the pineapple…love me some pineapple!
Rachel G
Your first point made me laugh because just today Angel had the idea of shaving our cat for the summer–which, I’m sure if he attempted it would go even more disastrously! :P
Paige Sloan
I can’t even imagine shaving a cat! Einstein’s nails got me in a few spots but a cat would have torn me up {because I was the one designated to old him down while Cory attempted to get his face}.