Five on Friday
It’s finally Friday, y’all and this week flew by. I should probably mention that I was out of work with a stomach bug on Tuesday and Wednesday we had an office retreat for the majority of the day, but nonetheless the week has come and gone. I’d be okay with this if I didn’t have a million and three things to do before a shower I’m throwing for one of my BFFs tomorrow. I may honestly have to revert back to my college days and pull an all-nighter to get everything ready.
linked with darci, natasha, christina and april
Y’all, I love me some chai lattes. If Cory would let me, I would seriously drink three one a day. What I don’t love about them is the $5 Starbucks charges. When Amber surprised me with this stuff, I thought, “surely it won’t be as good as Starbucks” because all you have to do is add milk and heat it up. You guys, it’s as good as Starbucks. There’s no fancy machine or processes that you must be a Barista to understand. I stocked up last night while at Target and they had it 2/$6. #winning.
While on the topic of Amber introducing me to new products…I’ve been having some breakouts and been looking for a good exfoliator. Amber has recommended St. Ives Apricot Scrub every time I whine about needing one. While at Ulta last night to exchange my Bareminerals {it still breaks me out…boo}, I picked some up. I used it last night and my face has never been that smooth!
While on the topic of breakouts…I have an awful skin care regimen. As in, I don’t have one. I’ve never really had to take care of my skin and it’s catching up with me. In an effort to get rid of my teenage adult acne, I made it one of my June goals to get better at washing my face before bed. Sweet Maggie from Polka Dot in the Country gave me the great idea to keep a pack of facial wipes on my nightstand so those nights I don’t remember until I’m comfortably snuggled up in bed, I can grab one and at least get my makeup off. #genius
Ever since I ran out of my Bobbi Brown Corrector, I’ve been needing something to help cover up my dark under eye circles. I doubt I will find anything close to the Bobbi Brown but I’ve forgotten to pick any up the past couple times I’ve been to Greenville and never think about ordering it. After hearing a few things about It Cosmetics, I decided to try their Bye Bye Under Eye concealer. Anyone tried this? Any luck???
My little human. Or at least he thinks he is. The way he’s sitting, y’all, it kills me.
So what have y’all got planned this weekend? Anything fun? I can’t wait to spend some time with Kristen and celebrate her upcoming wedding and don’t worry, I’ll take plenty of pictures and recap the shower next week. Happy weekend!

Maggie@ Polka dots in the Country
Yay I’m glad you got some wipies! I hope it helps you stick to your goal!
I use to break out when I was a teen and had to get on medicine to get clear again. Because of the medicine I don’t have any issues, just the normal breakout once a month. I love my clarisonic face brush with the Philosophy Purity cleanser. and I also use Proactiv’s toner and repairing lotion to keep breakouts away. My friend was having issues breaking out really bad lately and she got a Clarisonic and the Philosophy cleanser and her skin started clearing up. She also started a cleanse so she cut out dairy and all the good stuff, so it could’ve been from the cleanse too, but she’s been done with that and her skin is still clear. Ulta and Sephora have the Clarisonic & Philosophy cleanser and if you don’t like it you can always return it with your receipt. I buy the Proactiv at Amazon so you don’ thave to sign up with Guthy Renker and get charged every month.
Sorry to go on and on but I worked at Ulta for a couple years back in the day so I have an obsession with beauty products. I’ve never tried IT Cosmetics, if you like your concealer let me know!
My friend Angie loves Chai lattes from starbucks, but they do get pricey, I’ll have to recommend the Tazo for her and I just may get some for myself. :)
And your doggie is too cute! Good luck with the shower and have a good weekend!
Paige Sloan
I’ve heard such wonderful things about the Clarisonic and the Philosophy line. The Clarisonic has actually been on my wishlist for awhile now! I tried using Proactiv one time and it made my face much worse! I think it was just too harsh. For the past week or so, I’ve been washing it every night (or using the wipes) and I’ve used an exfoliator twice and it really has made a huge difference. That’s a good idea to order it from Amazon though because that was one thing I didn’t like about the Proactiv’s website. I honestly believe that I’m just getting older and my skin is just not as resilient as it used to be. I’ve got to stop being lazy and just take care of it!
So far, so good with the concealer but I’ll keep y’all updated! And the chai lattes are soo good! Definitely recommend trying it and if you don’t like it, you can just give it to Angie! Hope you’ve had a great weekend!
I’ve heard such good things about It Cosmetics– Abby At Always, Abby (http://alwaysabby.com/) has talked about their products a few times & has always given good reviews! I LOVE when you can find coffee/tea drinks you can make at home that are JUST as good as what you get at starbucks- but so much less expensive! Happy weekend :)
Paige Sloan
I will have to check her out because so far, I’m loving their concealer. And you have no idea how much it excites me to be able to make my own drink at home and not spend $5 every time I want one!
Girl I have been looking for something for dark under eye circles! Let me know how you like the Bye bye Under Eye concealer!
Ps. How cute is your little pup dog!!! So precious!!
Paige Sloan
Thanks, Brittney! So far, so good with the concealer. It has an awesome consistency and has stayed put all day for the past couple days.
Rebecca Jo
I just bought some of that Starbucks stuff in Green Macha tea – I’m excited to try it now!!!
I never had a good skin care regimen myself. My skin is what it is :)
My 65 lb dog things he’s a tiny baby & gets in our laps to hold him. I love fur babies.
Paige Sloan
It’s always exciting when you can find something you like and not have to pay the high prices at Starbucks to get it! Never having a good regimen never bothered my skin until after I got married and it’s taken me this long to accept the fact that I need to wash my face every night to keep the breakouts down. Love me some fur babies!
Biana Perez
I have used st. ives for years – it’s seriously the best!! Oh can’t wait to hear your thoughts on the new under eye CONCEALER!! Have a great weekend!
Paige Sloan
I’ve only used the st. ives twice and can already tell a huge difference. How many times a week do you use it? So far, so good with the concealer. I’ll keep you guys updated!
Happy Friday beautiful girl! I love me some chai tea lattes too! MMM! We need to get one soon on that coffee date that never was ;) Hope you’re feeling better after your stomach bug. Your sweet pup has got me smiling today…funny how they will sit like that sometimes – my cat does it too.
Paige Sloan
Yes! We must do a coffee date soon! If life could just slow down just a little, that’d be great! And I am feeling much better! I swear Hampton doesn’t know he’s a dog.
Mia @ makemeupmia.com
My husband loves that tea too, I don’t like Chai because I don’t like nutmeg haha. I have not tried that concealer but have heard nothing but wonderful things :)
Paige Sloan
It’s so much better than spending all the money at Starbucks! So far, so good with the concealer!
Gemma Donohue
So happy you are at home
I know that is a great feeling.
great ReView on the slin product.
I was uste break ot when i was younG, but because is
Hormonal is only for a short
Period of time, so dobt worry.
Great post darling
I love chair lattes. Man, now i want one. My new thing is Cinnamon stick tea from Bigalow. I think I spelled it wrong but it is so yummy! I hope you have a great weekend!
Paige Sloan
You have to try this mix if you like chai lattes. You won’t be disappointed!
Julie Joy
Ahh your pup sitting like that is too funny! I love the St. ives wash too! I’ve been using the apricot blemish control one! :) Hope your feeling better!
Paige Sloan
I was wondering how it worked. I stood there reading the backs of both of them before I decided which one to get. My pup is so much like a human!
Amy JOhnson
Gah! That dog. The cutest thing i’ve seen all day. Love it.
Also… I don’t know about you, but I’ve been super bummed about missing five on Friday for the summer. If you’re interested my friend Karli {september FARM} and I {the farmer’s wife} are starting up a link-up “oh hey, friday!” with the exact same outline and would love for you to join us tomorrow! Hope to see you there.
Paige Sloan
Aw! Thank you! He’s a mess :) I actually saw where Karli was doing a link-up and hate I missed last Friday. Hopefully, I’ll be able to join this week.