Snow Day
Growing up in South Carolina, I learned to NEVER get my hopes up for snow. I was always the kid that would procrastinate on my homework or studying for a test because I was certain we would get snow and school would be canceled. And it never was. So when the news started reporting on Monday {which was almost 70 degrees} that we would get snow on Tuesday, I just blew it off. Well, whad’ya know we got sent home early from work yesterday because of SNOW and the university was closed today. All the local schools have already announced they are closed again tomorrow because the back roads are still icy but I doubt Clemson will be closed again.
Our front yard when I got home Tuesday afternoon.
Stein laid there for at least 30 minutes just watching the snow fall. Truly, a boy after my own heart.
The only other time Hampton has seen snow was the first year we got him and he was only a few months old. We got so much that year that you could barely see him bouncing through the snow. Now look how big he is.
Our front yard about two hours after I got home Tuesday.
Our patio when I woke this morning.
As soon as the sun came up today, most of the snow in our yard started melting.
Both of my dogs hate having their picture taken. These are their “just stop with the camera” faces.
Fire pit covered in snow.
Our back yard this morning.
Did you notice his tongue is sticking out? Love his little snow covered mustache.
Since my dogs take after their dad and pretty much hate being in the snow, we spent most of the day curled up on the couch. I didn’t mind.
Hampton thinks that if I’m on the couch, he has to be in my lap. He wasn’t too happy when I got on my computer to catch up on some blogging. Normally, he will wedge his way completely on my lap and all but push my computer off into the floor. He thinks knows if he gives me that look long enough, I will give in.
I hope if you’ve seen snow the past two days that you are dry and warm and been able to enjoy a little bit of God’s beauty in falling snow.

Rachel G
The snow is beautiful–and when you’re a kid those snow days are very longed for, but we’ve had all the snow I ever want to see in my life up here in MI. :P And work and life just keeps on going no matter how many feet of snow we have, it seems!
Paige Sloan
Everyone always says that if you are around it all the time, you get tired of it. I can count on one hand the number of times it’s snowed the past five years. Now that I’ve got my fix, I’m ready for summer!
Stumbled on your blog from the five on Friday link-up last week! We have soooo much snow here in Michigan – I wish we would get just a few days worth of a break so some of it could melt!!
PS. REally like your blog so… I Nominated you for a liebster Award!
Paige Sloan
Thanks so much for stopping by! I can’t even imagine having that much snow. We are supposed to be back in the 60’s this weekend.