Week 30 Bumpdate
Happy Friday, friends! It’s been a long, hot week here in SC but I’m here with my week 30 bumpdate!
How Far Along: 30 weeks, 6 days
Size of Baby: She’s the size of a zucchini. 15.7 inches long and 2.89 pounds, according to my app.
Gender: It’s a sweet girl! Read all about our gender reveal party here!
Movement: Oh, yeah. She has her down time but when she’s active, she’s really active.
Sleep: Sleep has been better but definitely could be worse. I’ve noticed this week that I’m much more exhausted in the evenings and I’m still tired when I wake up, even if I get a good night’s rest.
Workouts: Yeah, about that…
Maternity Clothes: I didn’t realize that even maternity clothes became uncomfortable. I just wanna wear my maternity yoga pants all day, every day.
Weight Gain: According to my scale this morning, 37 lbs, but that seems like a huge jump from last week. My body is holding a ton of fluid so maybe that’s why. I’m pretty sure 5 of those lbs are in my feet alone.
Symptoms: Tired! This week has been much more like the early weeks of pregnancy and I’m just so stinkin tired. It’s all I can do to make it through the day and I crash when I get home. Other than that, just a lot of swelling still. It’s already getting almost 90 degrees here each day and that isn’t helping. Maybe it’s because I’m so tired, but man, have I been irritable this week. The littlest things just get on my nerves very quickly. Hopefully, that passes soon because I’ve felt like I’ve had a great attitude up until the last week or so.
Cravings/Aversions: Pretty much craving anything cold. I’ve never been one to crunch on ice but I just can’t get enough! (Drives Cory insane) This heat is already tough on me. In the evenings, I almost feel sick to my stomach and have no interest in eating right away.
Missing Most: I miss my wardrobe. I feel like I wear the same outfits on rotation but I’m not willing to spend any more money than I already have to on maternity clothes. I am looking for one more dress to wear to my shower so I need your recommendations for the best places to find cute maternity dresses!
Nursery: We are working on sorting the stuff we’ve gotten from our first two showers before we have our next one in a few weekends so we aren’t completely overwhelmed in all things baby. I plan on adding some shelves to her closet to help organize a little better, too.
Labor Signs: No! Thank you, Jesus.
Belly Button In or Out? Out.
Wedding Rings On or Off? My rings are safely tucked away in my jewelry box for the remainder of my pregnancy, I assume.
Hubby: Let’s just get real for a second…much like my attitude, Cory has been great this whole pregnancy. He has been so wonderful to have by my side but it’s not all giggles and rainbows. My irritability this week and a busy week for him has led to more stress…more snapping at each other and disagreements. I’m praying for a peaceful weekend to reset us both.
Best Part of the Week: Absolute best part of my week? I PASSED THE 3 HOUR GLUCOSE TEST! You guys, that was awful! I felt so disgusting after drinking all that straight glucose on an empty stomach and my poor arm got beat up with 4 needle pokes for blood draw. I was so relieved to learn I passed it, even though it isn’t the worst thing to be more conscious of what I’m eating {since I’ve already put on so much weight!}.
The next best thing, and it was a close 2nd, we had our second shower this past weekend and it was such a nice time! I got to see a lot of my family and spend time with my sweet Grandmother, who I don’t get to see often because she lives about five hours away. We laughed so much and Miss HP got a lot of nice goodies!
I’ll share a few more pictures from this precious shower next week!
Can’t Wait For: As of tomorrow, we will be in the single digit weekly countdown. EEK! Blows my mind but I’m so ready to meet our baby girl! And, if I’m being honest, I’m just ready to not be pregnant anymore.
Our Announcement | Week 13 | Week 14 | Week 15

Katie Elizabeth
Yay for passing the 3 hour test!! Such a relief! And I feel you on the heat. It’s been unusually warm here for May, like 85 degrees and humid, and it’s taking a toll on me, too. Enjoy your long weekend!!
Rebecca Jo
Single digits… oh my gosh. She will be here so soon!!!!
I think when you’re pregnant with girls, you just gain more & a lot of water weight. My friend Chasity had the same thing happen with her feet – they looked like they were going to pop – but the funny thing, it was just a few hours after delivering, they went down like 75%!! Crazy what the body does.
Glad you made it through the glucose test!
Yay for being in the single digits! I hope you get some rest this weekend. Hang in there!
sooooo i’m sure you know, but i thought this was super cool. my friend was freaking out about weight gain/fluid when she was pregnant and her doctor explained it was because your body thinks it is going to deliver in a field, it doesn’t know it will be in a hospital with access to IVs and such. i thought that was so nifty. science! haha. congrats on passing the other glucose test!! have a good weekend love xx
Paige Gunter
The heat messes with us all. The southern heat is merciless, especially on pregnant mommies. Hang in there. She’ll be here so soon! For a period I was in love with pregnancy (after the three months of nonstop nausea). Once that last month/ month and a half hit though, I was ready to evict Little Bit. If we didn’t hit that part of pregnancy I think we would be too focused on delivery and that is nothing in the big picture. hot Pie may not know what you have in store for her yet, but you will be so ready to love on her when she gets here.
I am so glad you passed your glucose test! I know that is a huge weight off your shoulders.
love the bump updates on your little girl! soexciting!!!
So close! Just a few weeks more :) Glad you passed the long glucose test! I bet that’s a load off.
Rach @ This Italian Family
Hooray for baby showers! And hooray for passing the glucose test! That’s awesome!
Kala Groves
Youre too cute! Also, even though its hard to cherish the last few weeks of pregnancy – try to. Youll miss it, a lot. I had two horrible pregnancies and i still miss feeling them kick. Praying for you, cory, & HP!