Week 29 Bumpdate
You guys, I promise that I do have more to blog about than my bumpdates but I just have NO energy or extra motivation to devote to this blog lately. It really does break my heart but that’s just life right now. Maybe it will change. Maybe it won’t.
But for now, I’m here with all the fun details from week 29!
How Far Along: 29 weeks, 6 days
Size of Baby: She’s the size of an acorn squash. 15.2 inches long and 2.54 pounds!
Gender: It’s a sweet girl! Read all about our gender reveal party here!
Movement: ALL kinds of movement! A few times I’ve honestly felt like she was trying to bust out. I was laying on my left side on the couch the other night and she was all curled up on the left side of of my stomach and you could see her movement on the outside more than we’ve been able to see yet. Cory thought it would be different seeing his own child but it still grossed him out. Ha! As I’m working on this post, she is kicking the computer.
Sleep: I’ve started to use the body pillow I bought a few months ago and sleeping like a rock, other than waking up in a sweat some times. Poor Cory…he sleeps in a hoodie and sweat pants every night. He sneaked a thermometer into our bedroom to settle the temperature dispute–I was going by the temperature shown on the thermostat and he was insistent that the bedroom was colder than that. Turns out the bedroom was a frosty 52 degrees!
And I’m still hot.
Workouts: Nah.
Maternity Clothes: Of course.
Weight Gain: 31ish lbs but I’ve felt good this week.
Symptoms: Still had some swelling but it’s not as bad as it has been. However, I’ve had a killer headache since Tuesday afternoon. Also, I feel like I’ve been much more irritable this week. Maybe it’s the headache? Or just all. the. hormones.
Cravings/Aversions: Orange juice. A big ‘ole glass in the morning and at night.
Missing Most: I haven’t really missed much this week other than just feeling comfortable for the majority of the day but that is manageable! Getting out of bed is harder…I need like a rope to pull myself up.
Nursery: We had our birthing class in Greenville this past Saturday and I wanted to knock a few things off the list while we were near some shopping. We picked up her glider, I found her a hamper that now needs to be monogrammed, and a few little totes to hold things on her book shelf and dresser. It was a very successful day!
Labor Signs: No! Thank you, Jesus.
Belly Button In or Out? Out 24/7.
Wedding Rings On or Off? My rings are safely tucked away in my jewelry box for the remainder of my pregnancy, I assume.
Hubby: As we were in our LONG birthing class on Saturday, I noticed some husbands who weren’t as involved in the class as Cory was and it made me super thankful that he has been so hands on this pregnancy. He is not like most men and wants to be a part of even the smallest things, like baby showers and breastfeeding classes. He has made this whole process so much easier on me and it’s so fun to be on this journey with him.
Best Part of the Week: There were a lot of great parts about this past week, even if it’s been a whirlwind! Sunday evening, Cory and I made ourselves a little bonfire and it was the perfect evening for one. For the first time in almost 8 months, I actually got chilly sitting outside and it was so nice!
On Monday, we had my check up and got a great report on my cervix. It went from measuring 2.18 cm two weeks ago to 3.16 cm on Monday. The doctor felt really good about this but wants me to be seen one more time at 31 weeks for my last cervical measurement. We got some awesome real-life photos of our baby girl and I was so hopeful we were going to have the perfect appointment…and then I failed my glucose test.
And for some reason {probably hormones}, it just pissed me off. I’m not even sure why. I know a lot of women fail the 1-hour one but I was just so mad about it, I was in tears. So, Cory and I grabbed an early dinner at Olive Garden to make me feel better, which was working until a friend I work with mentioned going to her breastfeeding class in Greenville. Somehow {pregnancy brain}, I got my dates mixed up and realized we had to be there for the same class in like an hour and half. We finished our supper and rushed off to the class, which I’m glad we did, because I felt it was very useful; but it left me feeling run down and tired and that’s no way to start the week when you are 7.5 months pregnant.
On Tuesday, we had our first baby shower thrown by my work. It was such a sweet shower and Hot Pie got absolutely SPOILED! She will be the cutest dressed baby around!
If you follow me on Snapchat, (reasonstch), you saw some of the goodies she got. We are so, so blessed, y’all!
Can’t Wait For: We have our next shower tomorrow and I’m so excited to get to see some of my family and let them love on Miss HP. Also, I go back on Monday for the 3-hour glucose test so prayers that I pass it!
Our Announcement | Week 13 | Week 14 | Week 15

Rebecca Jo
Bless your heart failing that 1 hour test. Chin up – hopefully the next one will go just fine. Hang in there momma!
I am so digging that wreath from your shower. That’s adorable!!!
Glad the cervix is still hanging in there keeping Hot Pie baking! :)
I just love that bump growing & growing.
Julie Joy
So many great things for you this past week! What a lovely shower thrown by your co workers! Don’t beat yourself up too bad about the GLUCOSE test! You look great!
I’m so sorry you’ve been dealing with headaches! I found that peppermint oil helped. Your baby shower looks so cute! And I cannot imagine being pregnant in the summer! I was always hot and I was pregnant for most of the winter!
aw yay for cory as always. that sucks there are husbands that aren’t involved or excited, i mean i know men like that but still… it hurts my heart! so what does failing your glucose test mean? i don’t actually know. and holy moly 52 degrees?!!! i would literally be frozen. yes, literally. haha.
it cracked me up about how it’s 52 degrees and he’s wearing sweats and you’re still hot! that’s how i hear pregnancy is!!