Week 26 Bumpdate
You guys, this bumpdate is coming at you waaaay late. I’ll actually be 27 weeks tomorrow (!) but it’s been a busy week.
How Far Along: 26 weeks, 6 days
Size of Baby: She’s as big as kale? Like a bundle of kale, I guess? 14 inches long and about 1.68 lbs, according to my app.
Gender: It’s a sweet girl! Read all about our gender reveal party here!
Movement: Sometime it feels like she is using the inside of my stomach as her own personal punching bag. Thankfully, it doesn’t hurt. Yet.
Sleep: Sleep is still pretty good. I’ve been falling asleep with an ice pack on my back- not only does it help ease the pain but it also helps keep me cool. I’ve been switching the ice pack out when I get up to pee and can normally fall right back to sleep.
Workouts: Same as last week, no actual workouts because my feet are just so swollen but I did spend most of Saturday and Sunday at my parents’ new house helping them get unpacked. Even though I didn’t actually work out, I certainly didn’t rest any.
Maternity Clothes: Definitely, but I’m most comfortable in a large t-shirt.
Weight Gain: It’s about 30 lbs. I’m really not sure how I’m gaining so much from week to week. I’m not really eating much more than usual {other than a little bit of ice cream in the evenings}. I’m gonna say a good portion of it is the water I’m retaining.
Symptoms: Pretty much the same…swelling, swelling and more swelling. I’ve really tried to increase my water intake to help with this. And boy, the emotions. They’ve hit hard this week and I think I’ve cried more the past week than I have my whole pregnancy. Cory snapped at me the other night {he worked night shift and hadn’t slept yet so he was super tired} and I instantly went to tears. In the past, I would have huffed off and been pissy at him the rest of the night but I just sat there in tears. And of course, he felt horrible.
Cravings/Aversions: Ice cream. Ugh. I want it all. Every flavor. But I’ve been making myself only eat a few small spoonfuls a night. One pint lasted me a full five days. #prettyimpressedwithmyself
Missing Most: Being able to wear most of my flip flops. I’ve only got a few pairs that comfortably go over my feet. And bending over. It feels soooo weird to not be able to bend at the waist.
Nursery: The dresser is assembled and the bedding is in the crib, although we will have to make some adjustments with the bumper to get it to stay on our solid-backed crib. I’m hoping to have my nursery inspiration post up really soon!
Labor Signs: No! Thank you, Jesus.
Belly Button In or Out? Out 24/7.
Wedding Rings On or Off? Off, unfortunately. My hands don’t feel as swollen as last week but I haven’t tried to put them back on.
Hubby: Did you see the scare he gave us last Friday? After that, we’ve been super gushy all week. Lots of hugs and kisses and I don’t mind it one bit!
Best Part of the Week: Our bedding came in this week and it looks so good with the rug! I can’t wait to share it all!!
Can’t Wait For: Giving away a $75 giftcard to PinkBlush. You’ve still got a few hours to get entered so don’t miss your chance!
Make sure to follow along on Insta (@reasonstocomehome) and Snapchat (reasonstch)!
Our Announcement | Week 13 | Week 14 | Week 15

Rebecca Jo
I love that you are craving ice cream. The perfect food for a pregnant woman :)
mmmm ice cream. a couple spoonfuls a night is straight up DISCIPLINE girl. you go. i love all of your maternity style, i want it all. i can’t imagine how weird it is to not be able to bend.