Week 22 Bumpdate
It’s hump day, bump day and I’m here with my week 22 bumpdate. You guys, I’m an awful blogger. Consider this my Easter recap too, because this is the only picture I took on Easter Sunday. I’ve got to get better about snapping some pictures but I don’t foresee that being a problem once Hot Pie gets here.
How Far Along: 22 weeks, 4 days
Size of Baby: A papaya and 11.8 inches long. According to our last appointment, Hot Pie weighed 12 oz and was in the 58th percentile in size.
Gender: It’s a sweet girl! Read all about our gender reveal party here!
Movement: Still a ton of movement! I notice it most early in the morning and later in the evening. If I’m laying down, it always feels particularly stronger. Monday night, I was sitting on the couch talking to my parents and felt this bulge in the side of my stomach. It was the first time that I’ve been able to tell exactly where in my stomach she was.
Sleep: I added a body pillow to our bed a few weeks ago but didn’t really sleep well with it. Now that I’m back to my regular routine of having a thin pillow between my legs, I’m sleeping like a rock at night.
Workouts: Ugh…can I just take this section out???
Maternity Clothes: Oh yeah! The dress in the picture above came from Target and is the most comfortable thing I own right now.
Weight Gain: 13 lbs which seems like a lot to me. It’s really hard on me to be gaining weight.
Symptoms: Oh, the pressure! I can’t imagine how much worse this will get but sometimes I feel like she is fixing to drop right out. TMI? I’ve also been fighting a nasty cold this week. I’ve had congestion pretty much the entire pregnancy but woke up with it bad on Monday morning. Anyone who has ever been pregnant or is pregnant now, knows that sneezing while pregnant is just about the worst thing ever. HA!
Cravings/Aversions: Reese’s Eggs but I’ve only had a few since Sunday! I call that a success.
Missing Most: Just feeling comfortable. After sitting at my desk all day at work, my back bothers me most evenings.
Nursery: Other than buying some baby hangers last weekend and hanging some of her stuff up, not much has happened. I have been working on her nursery inspiration post so that has helped me get an idea of the direction I’m going in.
Labor Signs: No! Thank you, Jesus.
Belly Button In or Out? If I’m laying on my back, it’s completely out.
Wedding Rings On or Off? On, but I’ve had to take them off a few times. If I get really hot, my hands swell even worse than they already are and I’m afraid I won’t be able to get them off.
Hubby: Saturday night I made a comment to Cory about wanting Reese’s Eggs and how I wished the Easter bunny would bring me some. I went to bed and didn’t think much about it. He woke me up Sunday morning with a basket full of my favorite candy. Y’all, he went to Walmart at like 10pm on Saturday night, after I went to bed, just to get me an Easter basket. It made me cry, it was so sweet.
Best Part of the Week: Getting to spend Easter with my family, even though we missed my parents. My cousin’s wife is expecting too {she’s a month behind me} so it was fun to chat about all things pregnancy related.
Can’t Wait For: We leave tomorrow for our Babymoon!!!! Pray for great weather!
Make sure to follow along on Insta (@reasonstocomehome) and Snapchat (reasonstch)!
Our Announcement | Week 13 | Week 14 | Week 15

Rebecca Jo
Aww! How sweet of your hubby!! I hope you guys have a wonderful babymoon!
Katie Elizabeth
Have so much fun this weekend!! Fingers crossed for good weather — Can’t wait to follow along on Insta!
LOL about wanting to remove the workout section. Totally understand that one! Hahaha, I was the same exact way in my weekly updates too.
is it weird that i need that dress in my life? you can send me the link if you want……
i know it’s easier than said… but don’t worry about your weight. seriously. it’s so far from important in the grand scheme of things. you’re making a baby. a human. not gaining weight would be more harmful. i’m sure that doesn’t help, but seriously. you look fabulous.
That husband of yours is such a sweetie! I love that he surprised you with the Easter basket!
chelsea jacobs
You look so cute!
Wow! Cory is SO incredibly sweet. I LOVE reeses anything, but every year since we have been married I get one of the big reeses Easter eggs. Sadly, they do not come from late night Easter bunnies who hear me say I want some chocolate peanut butter eggs, lol. That is SO sweet. What a great pregnancy memory to have now.
Hope y’all enjoy lots of rest and relaxation on your babymoon!!!!
Tif @ Bright on a Budget
Beautiful, momma!!! The only exercise I got when pregnant was making my way to the fridge.hahaha