Week 14 Bumpdate
Don’t I look exhausted in this photo? It’s because I am. It was dark outside, we had to use a flash and all I wanted to do was put my sweatpants. It’s only Wednesday but this mama needs a long, long nap.
How Far Along: 14 weeks, 4 days
Size of Baby: A lemon! 3.4 inches long!
Gender: It was too early to tell at our last ultrasound at 12 weeks but I’ve said boy since we found out and I’ve had dreams with a baby boy in them. Cory is still holding out for a girl.
Movement: Still too early for movement, I think. If I’ve felt any, I probably thought it was gas.
Sleep: I’ve slept really hard this week. Not many crazy dreams but still getting up to pee at least once a night. Also had a heating pad on my lower back most nights.
Labor Signs: No! Thank you, Jesus!
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Workouts: A couple of long walks to my car at work and waking around IKEA for 3 hours but other than that, I still don’t have enough energy to do much.
Maternity Clothes: The bump has made a strong appearance this week. Before, it would grow after I ate but eventually all but disappear. This week, it stopped disappearing so I’ve officially switched to rubber bands on my most of my pants. A friend at work picked me up a belly band and I’ll probably try it out in the next couple of days. My only worry is that I don’t like anything tight on my stomach right now. I’m also on the hunt for some good long tank tops. Any recommendations on where to find them?
Weight Gain: Still down about 4 lbs.
Symptoms: My morning sickness has been pretty bad the past week or so. I’m throwing up most mornings, as soon as my feet hit the ground but the sickness does easy off once the Zofran gets in my system. I’ve seen more energy than I had but still get exhausted more quickly. Also, I haven’t had much of an appetite. I’m eating small portions but getting full much quicker than I ever have.
Cravings/Aversions: My aversions are still eggs and coffee {Why? Why???}. My biggest craving this week, on top of my grapes, has been Popsicles.
Missing Most: Waking up and not getting sick.
Nursery: We spent the majority of Monday at IKEA trying to get our office and the master closet organized to make room for the baby. Once we can get Cory’s clothes to all fit in our bedroom, we’ll be able to clean out the nursery. I’ve also been browsing cribs and found a few I like!
Hubby: He’s still great! After driving to Atlanta, walking around IKEA, driving home from Atlanta, he went ahead and put my Kallax unit together that night! He never rests, y’all.
Although, he did make a comment to me about how many gray hairs I have which he quickly learned you don’t mention to a pregnant woman.
Best Part of the Week: I ordered our gender reveal invites and the balloon we will be popping at the party last week and the balloon came in yesterday! It has me all the more excited for our reveal party in a few weeks.
Can’t Wait For: We go on Tuesday for our next ultrasound and I can’t wait to see our little Hot Pie again!

I couldnt eat eggs or even Small coffee for almost five or six months! I hope you feel better soon girl. I know the Feeling! Im saying girl! :)
so adorable!! sorry to hear you are still having morning sickness. i hope it ends soon!
Rebecca Jo
You’re still that sick? … OK … you’re making my money go on GIRL!!! They say when you have a lot of estrogen, it makes your morning sickness worse. Its always been my go to in guessing & its been right about 8 out of 10 times!! … Tell your hubs – that will make Cory happy anyways :)
Brittany @ PerpetuallyDaydreaming
Cute bump, mama! Hang in there! It should get better once you’re in the second trimester. I recommend Target’s maternity tanks. They’ll get you through your pregnancy comfortably and you can just throw a sweater and scarf on with them. Stock up!
Paige Gunter
I love the bump! Gosh, I had forgotten how much I hated the smell of coffee back then. It wasn’t a problem at home, because Justin doesn’t drink it without me, but as soon as I got to work it was EVERYWHERE. Outside of the Zofran, it helped me a lot for Justin to grab me breakfast before I got up. Those frozen breakfast croissandwiches were the BEST! He would get up while it was still dark and freezing cold to bring me one before he left for work. They say protein helps and that was true in my case. I would eat before I even got up and then ate grapes when I got to work. Still felt bad, but no actual results. You have probably tried all of this though, but I wanted to tell you just in case.
Sounds like Cory is being an angel! That is SO sweet.
Tell me how that rubberband trick works. I’ll need to know for next time around. A coworker gave me her belly band and I hated it. I didn’t realize how tight it was at work, but as soon as I got home and took it off, I realized I had been holding my breath all day. It was too tight for me, but I can definitely see where it is helpful!
Check out Grace and lace! Their perfect fit tank is Pure, soft, buttery perfection over a pregnant tUmmy! I used to get mine at target before i found these.
ConGrats, mama! Looking ADORABLE!
Oh no! Sorry for All the random caps! I Look silly. :)
Katie Elizabeth
Gahhh, I hate that you’re still getting sick! Hope it eases up for you soon! That has me guessing girl :) Let me know what long tanks you decide on, I need some, too!!
lol @ the grey hairs. i have never cared about my grey hairs, until one day KC mentioned them and i was like shut your mouth haha. hope you start to feel better soon!
Rach @ This Italian Family
Just found your blog via Candace’s (though I see up there that Elle, Katie Elizabeth, & Kristen are your readers as well so we have lots of friends in common!). :) I hope you start feeling better and have lots of energy soon! Your baby bump is super adorable. :)
Julie Joy
I don’t think you look exhausted in this picture although you do look like you don’t want your picture taken or something. Lol. Down 4 lbs?! Lucky girl!! Your hubby is such a trooper! Bless his heart!