50 Shades of Gray
Okay…so more like five. Five shades of gray. Literally.
And to be honest, I was pretty impressed that I only bought five samples after I spent Friday night and Saturday morning scouring through Pinterest to get an idea of what I wanted. So while Cory started to prep the house to be painted Saturday afternoon, I headed to Sherwin Williams, where I proceeded to stare at the paint wall for a good 30 minutes looking at every. single. gray swatch they had.
When I got home, Cory said “Why’d you get so many?” and I just chuckled inside. If he only knew how many I wanted to get!
Almost immediately we both decided on #2 but it couldn’t be that easy, right??? So I decided to share it on Insta and Facebook to get some other opinions and again, we had an overwhelming response of #2 with a few #4 thrown in.
We narrowed down our selection to #2 and #4 and painted a few other swatches on different sides of the house and in different lighting. The only thing this picture doesn’t accurately capture is the green tint #4 has {almost like an army green} and I know that I don’t want any hints of blue or green. So the winner was #2 which is Gauntlet Gray by SW! It’s a darker gray, which is what we wanted, but I think it’s a very true gray. The decision seemed way too easy to make so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I will still like it when it’s covering the entire house.
As for Charlie, she was completely over deciding on paint colors and thrilled that garage was cleaned out enough so she could enjoy the cool floor. On a completely unrelated note, I know you can see her ribs and I promise we are feeding her the recommended amount of her food {okay-maybe a teeny bit more cause I don’t like seeing her so skinny} but she’s just not beefing up any. Anyone have any experience with boxers? Is this normal? She’s going to her first vet appointment soon and I will definitely be mentioning it to him but homegirl is not gonna like those shots. She’s such a scaredy-cat.
So that was our weekend…in a nutshell. 50 Shades of gray, which our preacher joked about from the stage on Sunday morning {I about died!}, and starting to pack up our house. We have two weeks to get our whole house moved into a pod, the kitchen torn out, and the ceiling painted before the floor guy starts refinishing on the 30th.
How was your weekend?
this post is linked with biana.

Biana @Blovedboston
So happy that you guys decided pretty painlessly on the new color!! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston
Rebecca Jo
SO MUCH construction & changes… I cant wait to see how it all turns out!
Great choice – can’t wait to see more pictures!!
Jessi Otey
LOVE grays and great choice- cant wait to see more!!
Yay! Such a great color choice! (I totally voted for #2!)
Katie Elizabeth
Seriously, gray is SO hard! When we painted our foyer and hallway, I think I went through 15 samples. I thought Nick was going to kill me! I love #2 though and can’t wait to see how it turns out!
About the boxer stuff: I have had two personally growing up, and my sister now has one. They do tend to be on the boney side, however, she could be:
1. A picky eater–she may not like her food all too much
2. if she eats it all, and seems to like it, give her more. Most of the time a dog will eat until he or she is full, if however, she is not one of those dogs and will just keep eating until she explodes, she may still just not be eating enough because
3. She could have a high metabolism. I am not sure what my sister feeds her dog, but i could ask if you wanted to try something different?
hope it helps some :)
choosing the paint colour for our living room was the most stressful thing i have ever done, after the wedding anyway. why is choosing a grey so hard?!
Julie Joy
I know I’m behind on blogging but just to make sure I’m understanding correctly, your painting the entire outside of your home?! That’s impressive! I can’t wait to see the outcome! Choosing paint for anything is definitely a little overwhelming! Growing up my Dad always had boxers and if I recall correctly, they all seemed to have their ribs showing. I think it’s just the build of their body or something. :)